The administrators of the final phase confirm that Loki has created a new chronology


In an interview with Business Insider, two Avengers: Endgame filmmakers Anthony and Joe Russo confirmed fan speculation about the movie Loki.

Spoilers follows for Avengers: Endgame. Continue, and at your own risk, and read our endless account of Endgame if you have not seen the film yet .

The Russo confirmed that Loki had actually created a divergent timeline after taking space. Stone in the past, when Captain America and Iron Man returned to try to recover the stone.

When asked if Captain America had repaired all the ruined script stones at the end of the film, the multiverse explained by Russo in the MCU.

"The intention was that he was going to fix past deadlines by the time the stones were gone," Joe explained. "Loki, when he teleports with the stone of time, would create his own time line." This becomes very complicated, but it would be impossible for [Cap] to rectify the timeline unless he Loki finds the minute Loki does something as spectacular as taking the Stone from space, he creates a ramified reality. "

"We are dealing with this idea of ​​multiverse and ramified realities, so there are many realities," added Anthony. [19659005] With a used example of Captain America then creating his own timeline with Peggy Carter while he was putting the stones back in their original timeline, Joe said he had to go back to the current timeline and then give up his shield to Sam Wilson aka Falcon

"There is a question of, how did this separate Cape calendar come back in this calendar and why?" Anthony said.

For all that is Avengers: Endgame, check out our cover center where we talk about the characters that will be the new face of the MCU, how Iron Man and Captain America have traded their fates in Endgame, and the details of a first draft of the film in which Black Widow was running an orphanage in Washington DC after the famous taking of Thanos.

What would you like to see from the upcoming Loki television series at Disney +? Let us know in the comments below.

Do you have any advice to give us? Do you want to discuss a possible story? Send an email to the address [email protected].

Jessie Wade is a news editor for IGN and Loki has really developed on her over the years, but she is far too gullible to be friends with him. . Talk to her on Twitter @jessieannwade .

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