The Ankrd16 gene prevents Alzheimer's disease


The Ankrd16 gene can prevent defective proteins from causing neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

In a recent study, researchers discovered this gene.

Scientists know that defective proteins can cause harmful deposits or aggregates in neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

Although the causes of these deposits remain mysterious, it is known that abnormal aggregates

Usually, the transfer of gene information to protein is carefully controlled – biologically "read" and corrected – to avoid the production of inappropriate proteins.

These nerve cells, located in the cerebellum, do not properly trigger the serine amino acid, which is then incorrectly incorporated into proteins and proteins. causes the aggregation of proteins.

"Simplified, you can think of Ankrd16 as acting as a sponge or a" failsafe "that captures activated evil This helps to prevent this amino acid from being improperly incorporated into proteins, which is especially useful when the nerve cells' ability to re-read and correct errors decreases, "says an Ackerman researcher

., making these neurons vulnerable to replay defects. Raising the level of Ankrd16 protects these cells from death, while removing Ankrd16 from Other neurons in mice with replay deficiency caused by widespread accumulation of abnormal proteins and ultimately neuronal death

Researchers describe Ankrd16 as a new layer of essential machinery to prevent

Researchers noted that only a few gene modifiers for disease mutations such as Ankrd16 have been identified and a mechanism based on a modifier to understand the underlying pathology of neurodegenerative diseases could be a promising avenue for

The study appeared in the Nature Journal

(This story was not edited by the staff of Business Standard and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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