The brutal death of Qyburn on Game of Thrones sparks funny reactions from fans


Warning: this post contains annotations for Game of Thrones season 8, episode 5. If you do not want to know what's going on, stop reading now!

• Qyburn, the hand of Cersei, died abruptly Game of Thrones .
• The mountain crushed Qyburn's head against the wall when he attempted to intervene with Cleganebowl.
• This is how the fans reacted to Qyburn's death. a lot of dead on Game of Thrones on Sunday night, the penultimate episode of the hit HBO series. While some people made us feel feelings (RIP Jaime, although the import of your narrative arc ?!), One death in particular was a little … dare to say it … funny?

I am talking about Qyburn, who died very violently and unceremoniously when Gregor's undead corpse "The Mountain", Clegane slammed it against the wall and threw it to the ground. Qyburn made the mistake of trying to prevent a fight from ensuing when The Mountain met his brother, Sandor "The Hound" Clegane, in the stars at King's. Landing.

Game of Thrones fans were not particularly attached to Qyburn, who was Cersei's hand and the resuscitation manager of The Mountain after his deadly fight with Oberyn Martell. He did not have much for him in terms of sympathy, which is why he deserved a bit of his macabre fight to try to prevent the long awaited Cleganebowl from happening. Honestly, how did he dare ?!

On Twitter, Game of Thrones fans shared amusing reactions to Qyburn's death. Many pointed out that Qyburn had been killed by the creature he had created, while others claimed that his bloody death was the best part of the episode. Here are some of the best:

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