The city sees a third double lung transplant; a rarity in the West- The New Indian Express


Express News Service

BENGALURU: BGS Gleneagles Global Hospitals performed two double lung transplants in the city on July 4th and July 7th. Both patients are elderly, 61 and 62 years old, who were suffering from a

transplantation is the only option left for those who suffer from this terminal lung disease, caused by long-term exposure to hazardous materials, such as asbestos or coal dust, or may be caused by interstitial lung disease. by an autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis; but once the pulmonary scars appear, they are usually irreversible, which is why a transplant is needed to replace the affected lung.

Both patents were administered by Dr. Sandeep Attawar, Program Director and President of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery. team of lung specialists. It is one of the 40 double lung transplants of the Attawar team in the country, one of the largest in the country. Dr. Attawar told the New Indian Express about the scarcity of two lungs in the West, which is quite the opposite in India.
The first double-lung transplant in the state was done on June 20 at Narayana Health over a 28-year period. -old man. Unlike heart transplants, where they must reach the recipient's body within four hours, the lungs can be transplanted within six hours of their removal.

"In the United States, for people over 60, only one lung We do not have a national database where the status of the organs is updated, the distribution is arbitrary. Suresh Babu (61), from Thrissur who was a driver in Qatar, became the second patient in the state to undergo a double lung transplant on July 4th. His younger 27-year-old daughter, Sruthi Alok Told TNIE, said that he was still at the USI under fan. The procedure costs 35 lakh.

"The exit of the ventilator is the first requirement after the transplant.The faster you are, the better it is for the new lung.When the patient is on the ventilator, the chances of clearing the airways are If small amounts of mucus get stuck in the airways and become infected, patients can succumb to infections, "says the doctor.

Jayanth Kumar Shah (62), a Jhabua fabric merchant, Madhya Pradesh, was operated on in July. 7 and his son-in-law Akash Shah hoped that his father-in-law would soon be transferred from the UTI. "It was a five-and-a-half-hour procedure and although it's still on the ventilator and heavily dosed, we were told it's fine," Akash said. .

On the survival rate of double-lung transplant patients, Dr. Attawar said, "In India, since science is still in its infancy, the survival rate over one year is 76% . At the international level, it is 86-88% at one year. We will do CT scans, bronchoscopies, and blood tests to see if the recipient is being rejected. "

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