The director says "lesson learned, should have done" faster


A few weeks after facing an outcry, Bharti Airtel, a telecommunications major, said he should have reacted more quickly to the demand of a non-Muslim customer service user and that process have "tightened" In an interview with PTI, Airtel MD and CEO (India and Southeast Asia) Gopal Vittal said that the company has a war room social media and fixed processes as well as marked keywords that should trigger a quick response. Last month, when a Lucknow-based DTH official of Airtel Pooja Singh wanted a non-Muslim leader to take up his complaint, the company had stated that she never bent to bigotry. Vittal said in the social media era that "companies have become easy targets".

"In any call center environment, if a person makes you a complaint (and) if the person (customer service) is busy, another person and they have a pop-up history of all the conversation that happened with the person A (complainant) .It happens in the airlines, credit card companies, banks.It is so that the call centers are working ", explained Vittal. "Now, for a bigot to have posted a stupid tweet and for it to become a rage … the only thing we should have done is probably to respond faster and tell what's going on

Airtel Director Shoaib had initially witnessed Pooja's complaint of poor service but shortly thereafter he was busy and the same was taken over by another Gaganjot executive who exchanged messages with her about the complaint, all of which happened before She did not tweet looking for a "Hindu representative" as she had "no faith in her work ethic (Shoaib)". Vittal alluded to this fact: "I think it was a good lesson, but it is very unfortunate that this thing even happened because it is so far from reality. business, we are proud of diversity, not just religion but of all kinds, "said Vittal Airtel sees diversity as an integral part of its culture

" For us, diversity is a vital part of that. that we are … religious diversity, diversity of genres … This incident is hurtful for me. like that, I'm glad it got better, "he said. Vittal said that several steps have already been taken by the company in the past, and that processes are being strengthened. "This is not right after the incident … we have already taken steps to not wait for this incident, we just need to be more specific and better," he said. .

Describing the processes in place, Vittal said, "We have a social media war room that exists, we have a center, we have keywords, we have fixed processes … there are many of steps we had taken before that, it's just that these steps are strengthened. "Airtel had, last month, said that the company did not resist fanaticism" for the most part, fake and factually incorrect " A client made "a scandalous request to prefer to speak to someone with a particular religious identity," but the two department heads continued to work diligently to ensure a resolution to the complaint, had they he says.

"The fact that Shoaib was not" "Gaganjot did not check the religious identity of his confrere before seizing the case", a- it is said, "taking into account a discriminatory demand," had stated. This did not change the advisor "because of the unfathomable demand of the said client". "At Airtel, we have never and will never succumb to differentiation on the basis of religion, ethnicity or caste," he said.

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