The Elder Scrolls and Fallout Developer Bethesda Now Has 400 People "Video Game News, Reviews, Walkthroughs and Guides – GamingBolt


Bethesda talks about the need to develop to follow the development of the game and its own ambitions

  The Elder Scrolls 6

Bethesda Game Studios was one of the biggest, most beloved, best-selling, and The most influential games of all time – but for the longest time, it was a small studio, with a team that focused entirely on one game at a time. Although this type of structure worked about ten years ago, the development of games has become much more complex in recent years, as have the ambitions of Bethesda

. their own vision, Bethesda has spent the last years on the scale. They now have three studios (one in Austin, one in Montreal, with the exception of Maryland that they already have), hiring, according to Todd Howard told GamesBeat, nearly 400 people.

"We were looking forward to Starfield and Elder Scrolls VI what we had in mind for these games, and we realized that it was going to take more people than the typical studio of 100 people we had a long time ago "Howard says:

" We started trying to do it internally. We have a big monthly meeting with everyone at Bethesda Game Studios. This meeting is sent to other offices. You look at 400-ish people together in a meeting, and every month we have groups of the team come in and say, "Here's what we did in the game this month. "

Obviously, scaling usually comes with logistical problems, for example, when the structure is large and extensive, you risk the vision and intimacy of your games diluted and lost. That said, Todd Howard does not seem to be the kind of person who could at all costs compromise on his own ideas for his games – so I trust that The Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield will only benefit from this expansion. Whenever they end up going out.

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