The habit of biting the nails lets the man fight for life


He spent months in hospitals.

The habit of nail biting has proven disastrous for a 57-year-old British man who had to fight for his life after developing sepsis.

Ricky Kennedy of Westcliff contracted a blister on the thumb after biting the nail too much in January of this year. He went to see his doctor and was given antibiotics to treat the blister, but the infection began to spread to the chest. Within hours after developing sepsis, a form of blood poisoning, the deadly infection began to spread rapidly throughout his body.

"I'm lucky to be alive, I may never be as strong and as strong as I was but I'm still here with my family and that's why I'm here. 39; is very valuable, "said Kennedy, suffering from an eroded clavicle, septic arthritis and asthma after the spread of infection in his body.

Kennedy had a 50% chance of surviving. the test and spent months in hospitals fighting infection. "I did not think for a moment that the cut on my thumb was the cause of everything." I'd bit my fingernail like that hundreds of times before, so thinking it had almost killed me was terrifying. I had so much pain, I thought I had a heart attack and I really thought I was going to die, "said Kennedy, quoted by .

Fortunately, Ghislaine, l & # 39; Kennedy's wife, aged 65, called their doctor on her return home to find that he was seriously ill. "By the time the doctor arrived, Ricky's entire body had spread on the arms and chest, "she said.

Kennedy, also with type 2 diabetes, was finally released after months of treatment at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in May. had to take antibiotics for another two months after being discharged. "I do not remember when I was 9, I was taken to the hospital. All I remember is asking a nurse if I was going to die, "Kennedy said, and occurs when the body reacts to an infection by attacking its own organs and tissues.

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