The heaviest teenager in the world, Mihir Jain, undergoes an operation to lose weight, loses 10 weights


Mihir Jain, the heaviest teenager in the world

You have surely heard of the world's heaviest man and woman, but do you know the teenager the heavier in the world? Mihir Jain (14), a native of Delhi, is the heaviest teenager and the first to have undergone gastric bypbad surgery.

Mihir Jain lives in the Uttam Nagar district of West Delhi and arrived at Max Hospital Saket a few months ago. for weight reduction surgery. While Mihir weighed 2.5 kg when he was born, he started gaining weight from an early age and weighed 50 to 60 kg when he was only 5 years old. Since then, he has been gaining weight and becoming a teenager weighing 237 kg. When he visited the hospital, he could barely walk. Dr. Pradeep Chowbey, a seasoned bariatric surgeon who operated on him, told you that Mihir is the heaviest teenager in the world to have undergone gastric bypbad surgery

"When I l? I saw, I did not know was too heavy for that, "Dr. Chowbey told TOI.

 India TV - Heavier Teenager Mihir Jain

World's heaviest teenager Mihir Jain

His mother Puja Jain revealed: "The Most of our family members I did not take it seriously at that time, but there came a time when he could not even walk properly because of his heavy weight, he stopped working. go to school after clbad II and I had to teach him at home.The family wanted him to operate in 2010, but the doctors advised to oppose it because he was too young to be Mihir told TOI: "I stayed mostly in the house lying or sitting." He happily declared his love for junk food in the past: "Pasta is my favorite food. favorite, "he said.

In order to get Mihir to work, Dr. Chowbey told her ord makes following a low calorie diet (VLCD), asking him to come back after a month. I think the family would come back, but they did and Mihir lost 10 kilos during this period

"To my surprise, Mihir came back to us after four weeks and he had lost a good 10kg. I was happy to see their dedication and I suggested they continue the same diet for another two months, which reduced the weight to 196 kilograms.But we realized that for a further reduction, surgery will be necessary and posted his case for the operation in April, "said Dr. Chowbey, the head of bariatric surgery at Max,

 India TV - World Heavyiest Teen Mihir Jain

L & # 39; World's heaviest teenager Mihir Jain

The operation was not easy: Dr. Chowbey said that they had to use special equipment – a flexible laryngoscope – to negotiate the difficult condition in the case of Mihir. "In addition, there are no guidelines on the dosage of anesthesia for a person weighing 200 kg.Our doctors relied on their experience to decide the right amount of anesthesia. "

The operation lasted about two and a half hours and the doctors created a gastric bypbad in which the digestive system was reoriented. of the stomach that makes a person feel satiated with less food. The surgery went off without incident and we were able to release Mihir in a week. He comes to the hospital for follow-ups though. In addition, he was asked to continue the restrictive diet, "Dr. Chowbey told TOI.

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