The Impact of Mental Health on the Workplace


The impact of mental health in Australia increases significantly with data showing that 4 million people suffered from common mental disorders in 2015 and more than $ 9 billion was spent on mental health in 2015-16. The reported rates of mental health problems are rising in Australia and the lack of resources to meet the demand – are there enough initiatives to tackle the problem?

Mental health is defined by the World Health Organization as "a state of well-being in which each individual realizes his / her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and successful, and is able to "

The" Palliative Care "Approach

The Australian Government recently developed the" Staged Mental Health Care Model ", which aims to match a person struggling with with mental health problems at the intervention level. the most suitable for them. Research has shown that the use of a stepwise approach, with treatments that become progressively intensive depending on the patient's diagnosis, has been successful, with recovery rates of 40 to 60%.

  1. Stratification of the population into different groups of "needs", ranging from the general needs of the population for the promotion and prevention of mental health to those with severe, persistent conditions and complex.
  2. necessary because not all needs require formal intervention.
  3. Define a complete "menu" of factual services required to meet the range of needs; and
  4. Match service types to treatment goals for each group of needs and order / provide services accordingly

Occupational Mental Health

Studies have shown an increasing prevalence of mental health problems in Workplace. The Medbio technology company recently performed the largest mental health check in Australia and found that one-third of employees were affected by some form of mental illness. 36% of respondents had depression, 33% anxiety and 31% stress. The program used 100 profiling questions and captured heart rate data using handheld devices from approximately 3,500 employees in 41 separate organizations.

Depression is the leading mental health disorder in Australia and would cost Australia $ 12.6 billion a year. According to Michael Phelps, a member of Medibio's board of directors, measures such as the mental health audit are aimed at "making the practice of a mental health check-up easier, more accessible and more standardized" and "Empower individuals to act on their mental health".

Taking care of one's mental health is often something that can be taken for granted, and it is estimated that one in five Australians will suffer from a mental illness at some point in one's life. Many stressors and everyday factors can trigger a mental health episode in a person, and it's important to take the time to put your health and well-being first.

A Master of Mental Health at Southern Cross University is designed to prepare graduates for work. a range of health parameters and disciplines. The course improves understanding of mental health and psychiatry while developing the skills needed to respond effectively to patients' mental health issues.

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