The last breaths interrupted in sleep apnea are more lethal – The New Indian Express



NEW YORK: According to a new study, people with sleep apnea and short interruptions in their sleep are more likely to die than those with longer interruptions. occurs when the muscles of the throat relax sporadically and block the patient's airway during sleep. This disease is linked to a number of diseases, including high blood pressure and heart disease.

"This Finding Could Help Physicians Better Prevent Long-Term Mortality Related to Obstructive Sleep Apnea," said Matthew Butler, Assistant Professor at the OHSU School of Medicine in the United States .

For the study, the team examined 5,712 people over a period of eleven years.

Sleep specialists currently use a measurement called apnea index of the hypopnea, or number of times that a patient stops breathing by hour. sleep, to diagnose the severity of sleep apnea of ​​a patient. But the index, which is largely based on data from men, does not predict risk in women

. This new study also revealed that in addition to the number of respiratory interruptions, the duration of each one of them is important. [19659003] Patients with the shortest apnea were 31% more likely to die during the decade of study follow-up with participants.

This is true for both male and female participants.


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