The love horoscope today for Monday, February 4, 2019 For all zodiac signs by astrology


New moon, new day, new life.

Astrology and the horoscopes of your daily love are here for today, Monday, February 4, 2019, Monday for All Zodiac Signs in Astrology . Love comes today with a promise thanks to the New Moon Aquarius, specializing in love that begins with the mind and ends in the heart.

The Sun is in the sign of Aquarius and this afternoon, he perfects the positioning with purpose and planning while standing facing a dark new moon, in the same sign that lasts well until tomorrow. Up close, Mercury is action oriented and is also in Aquarius mode. These are the indicators of the first fundamental aspect that likes needs. Honest and open communication. Vulnerability calls for all signs of the zodiac to love others as they are and not to try to change the narrative as they please.

The image of the Moon and the Sun with Mercury in the zodiac sign representing humanity also manifests itself during a numerology. met parameter. The figure today is a 9, also called humanitarian.

If you have petitions with a loved one that you need to discuss to get what you need and without wanting, feeling hurt or abandoned, you are being supported today. There is plenty of room to try new things, too. A new moon is a signal to prepare the new generation of projects. So if you are looking to do something special with your darling on Valentine's Day or just because, it's a good time to plan and sort out those ideas.

Mars in Aries works with Uranus, a game that changes the game, and there is even a place for Pluto in Capricorn. Hard work with love can happen today. This allows things to change quickly and without warning. Maybe your relationship status can change suddenly. You can meet the love of your life at a bar or while waiting in an elevator. You can also have the guts to defend yourself when the wrong person in your life challenges you and decides enough, that's enough to break him for good.

The Sun, Neptune, and Pluto badociate well with Saturn. The changes may seem radical to others, but not so hard in reality. Your heart is ready for what will happen. You are wide open to receive.

To learn more, search for your zodiacal sign below to find out what awaits you, according to astrology. Here is your horoscope for today, Monday of February 4, 2019.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Tarot Card: Justice

Aries, sometimes things are not going your way. You may feel frustrated and angry that your plans for change and momentum are not coming to fruition. Sometimes it's okay to go through difficult times and think that nothing is right.

This time, it reminds you how much you have at other times and at the same time you are grateful. Follow only the advice of those you trust and know what motivates you to make the best decisions for you.

TAURUS (20 April – 20 May)

Tarot Card: The Hanged Man

Bull, you feel that there is something or someone you know that you must give up to be fully happy and pbad. You may feel a little confused or afraid to follow the right path and make a difficult decision. This sacrifice is not easy, but it must be done to make sure that you move forward and live your best life. It's a moment of pbadage in your life and in the end it's nothing positive for you.

RELATED: Daily Tarot Reading + Digital Horoscope for Monday, February 4, 2019 For All Signs of the Zodiac

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Tarot Card: The Fool

Gemini is an exciting time for you and your loved ones with a huge potential for fun and beautiful new experiences if you are flexible and follow the flow. You will feel very confident during this time and many opportunities will be available soon.

If you are considering a radical change, such as leaving your job or leaving a long-standing relationship, know that you are making the right choice.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Tarot Card: The Wheel of Fortune

Cancer, your luck is coming. You will be lucky and happy at this time or very soon. Your destiny catches up and gives you the destiny of achievement that you deserve. Your love life, your career and your finances will also improve thanks to destiny! All you deserve comes your way so enjoy this time and expect sudden changes.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Tarot Card: The Hierophant

Leo, you may feel the need to seek advice. of a council or spiritual consolation. After difficult and hectic times, you want to be rebadured and guided. You want to have traditional values ​​and approach a wiser mental state. You want more mature relationships and a conventional and wise orientation to make the right decisions.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Card of Tarot: The Star

Virgin, it is a moment of joy and even fulfillment if you sometimes feel fearful and confident in your hopes and dreams when you should be. Your achievements will become closer to reality and you will soon feel fully satisfied with the meaning of your life. Good health, even after a period of illness If you are considering a new love, a new job or a new place to go, then you should go!

RELATED: Monthly Horoscope of February 2019, For all Signs of the Astrological Zodiac

LIBRA (23 September – 22 October)

Tarot Card: The Empress

Libra, Fertility and Creativity are what you are playing right now. If you are planning to start your own family, you will soon be welcomed with positive news. If you are creating a new job or starting a new creative project, it's like your baby and he will also be surrounded by good news during this time. Abundance, joy and happiness are the foundations of this time for you.

SCORPION (23 October – 21 November)

Tarot Card: The Sun

Scorpio, everything seems too good to be true at the moment, do not worry because sometimes things are really so good. If you do not feel well, now is the time to rest and stay healthy. If you suffer from things that are not likely to improve, be positive and trust that you are entering a good time. The difficult things you are going through will soon come to an end and you should take this time to celebrate with your loved ones.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Tarot Card: The Hermit

Sagittarius, you may feel alone and afraid to be alone. You do not know what to do, so take the time to relax and you'll get the right answers quickly. This card indicates that you should not make hasty decisions at the moment and try to manage your stress. If you do not feel well, take the time to rest and recover to quickly find the answers to your loneliness.

CAPRICORN (22 December – 19 January)

Tarot Card: The High Priestess

Capricorn, it is the moment to listen to your intuition. Listen to your instincts and you will make the right decisions. There may be a secret that will be revealed to you will be shared, but only with the confidence of your intuition. Take this opportunity to follow the flow and spend time with your loved ones.

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AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Tarot card: Death

An Aquarius, anxiety, depression and fear can fill your typically positive spirit right now. You may be experiencing painful events at the moment, but know that with your strength you will go through this ordeal. In the end, you will be stronger and you will leave room for new opportunities for your love life, your career and your travels. Just hold on during these difficult times.

PISCES (19 February – 20 March)

Tarot Card: Judgment

Pisces, you may be looking for a new beginning. You may want to close a certain chapter of your life or start a new one. Your past efforts will give you the rewards you deserve.

This new beginning will bring you new opportunities that you did not know you wanted. Life will resume soon and you will face tough choices that will change your life so take the time to relax and enjoy your life.

Natalia Jaramillo is a writer on topics related to astrology, pop culture and relationships. 19659059] Aria Gmitter, MS, MFA, is writer astrologer, and editor of Zodiac & Horoscopes at YourTango, which covers astrology and celestial events. It's live on YourTango's Facebook page on Tuesdays at 10:20 pm EST, reading tarot cards and answering questions about your zodiac sign. Follow her on Facebook.

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