The most memorable moments of Elon Musk up to now in 2018.


Few people had a very big and bizarre 2018 as head of SpaceX and Telsa Elon Musk. He made new friends, broke new ground and managed to make a lot of people crazy.

Musk has always been a bit of an enigma, but, until now, in 2018, he has become an even bigger character, scratching his head. Musk has generated a new relationship, selling flamethrowers (yes, flamethrowers) simply because, trying to help the children trapped in a cave, he has sounded a lot like President Trump in attacking the media

to a single year for a unique person and the year is only halfway.

So here is the year in Musk until now

Just some boring flamethrowers

One might think that Musk would have his hands full of SpaceX, high speed trains and discussions on the tunnels most of the day. But there is always time for secondary projects, apparently, like, say, flamethrowers!

No, it was not a joke. Complex terms and conditions and all, it's a very real thing and thousands of ranges over $ 500 per person for their own fire carrier approved by Musk.

This is quite the entrepreneurial gesture, Elon, and a way to start the year.

Tesla Space Oddity

SpaceX had a monumental first success of its Falcon Heavy rocket, a big step forward for the company as it continues on a variety of missions. But the only thing people will probably remember from this launch is the Tesla that Musk sent into space.

The Tesla and his fictitious astronaut would have disappeared into space a few days after the launch (as rumors crushed him on Earth and could have flattened a Nobel Prize, well, we'll come back to that in a minute).

But this was not a total waste of a car as it was able to relay important information that will prove useful.

Wooing Grimes

It takes a lot to become the "It" couple of the annual Met Gala, but Musk and his new girlfriend Grimes did it, starting for the first time on the Red carpet. But nothing with Musk is ever so dry.

There was the nerdy joke that brought them together, the same relationship that engendered, and his own Grimes personal reading list. The musician saw a nice bump in his streaming numbers after the pair came out.

But Grimes was not the only new Musk friend we heard of in 2018, as we'll see in a moment.

The "false news" of Musk

Because journalism did not have enough men attacks in power in 2018, Musk took it upon him to attack the Fourth Estate beyond its usual earning habits.

Musk and Tesla fought against complaints of unfair labor practices, denying their existence and, if necessary, turning against those who report on the charges, namely a series by the Center for Investigative Reporting. And he swears that he's not like Trump.

I thought you would say that. Whenever someone criticizes the media, the media shout out, "You're like Trump!" Why do you think he was elected in the first place? Because no one believes you anymore. You lost your credibility a long time ago

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 23, 2018

At the end of May, Musk tweeted about the creation of A website that basic truth of any article and track the credibility over time of every journalist, publisher and publication. "The kicker" He wants to call it Pravda which is already the name of a newspaper for the Communist Party in – wait for it – Russia.

And Thursday, Musk gets tangled with the journalist Business Insider Linette Lopez suggesting Lopez bribed accused Tesla saboteur Martin Tripp for the privileged information.

His better half, the Grimes mentioned above, blocked for the Musk besieged, saying that he has never hindered organizing efforts at Tesla.But things are also a little embarrbading because, well, Grimes' own mother is a journalist .

His New BFF Malala

For example, a billionaire entrepreneur and a Nobel Peace Prize winner for teens connect on Twitter about something from The Onion – it's not a parody or a Disney pitch rejected but real life.

When the property of Onion Clickhole published a satirical story about Tesla falling on Earth and crushing Malala Yousafzai, Malala took the joke on Twitter

Musk being Musk, of course he replied.

At least Musk did not make fun of The Onion's work as he had the media. In fact, he seems to like them a lot, but that's another story.

"Listen, all that is sabotage"

Do not come for Elon Musk, all of you. That's the lesson we learned this year when Musk went head-to-head with Martin Tripp, a former Tesla employee at Nevada Gigifactory, accusing Tripp of sabotaging the company by hacking the code and pbading on code. data to third parties.

In a series of emails obtained by the Washington Post Musk called Tripp "a horrible human being" and accused him of "training other people". Musk also told Tripp that he had betrayed the company and should be ashamed.

Tripp did not hold back, replying, "You have what happens to you for the lies you have told the public and investors."

Woof. This is to let the lawyers take care of everything.

Literally a foolish unicorn

At the end of June, Musk put it on line with the musician Lisa Prank who accused Musk of ripping off the drawing of a unicorn farther. his father for his sketchbook of Tesla. In a series of now-deleted tweets, Musk has been trying to sneak in and forging his way, though in 2017, he shared a picture of a mug with the unicorn's original drawing on it.


We are at the same time breathless and without anticipation, waiting for the next stage of this saga.

Additional reportage by Sasha Lekach

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