The new Wockhardt record: a liver transplant on a small tot – MUMBAI


The Wockhardt Hospital in Central Mumbai set a new record in liver transplant surgeries, performing a liver transplant on a nine-month-old boy, the youngest patient in the west of the United States. India up to now. The child, Kavya Raut, was suffering from biliary artesia, a condition that prevents bile from flowing from the liver to the intestine since birth. At the age of two months, Kavya was underweight and suffered from life-threatening infections and cirrhosis of the liver. He was operated on June 14th.

"Kavya is the youngest child on whom such an operation has been attempted in western India, usually pediatric liver transplants are performed only on children weighing more than 10 kg because of complications that occur in smaller patients, "said Zahabiya Khorikawala, general manager of Wockhardt Hospitals,

. In October of last year, Kavya's parents, Vivek and Nisha Raut de Boisar in Palghar district, were referred to Dr. Lalit Verma, a pediatric hepatology consultant at Wockhardt. The transplant was fully funded by the hospital and patient badociations. Kavya was admitted to the hospital on June 10 of this year.

The hospital doctors said that Nisha was the donor. "We took about 20% of the donor liver, but even that 260g section was too big for the child, we had to use innovative techniques to reduce it, and after that we removed all the sick liver. and equipped the new donor liver.The two surgeries took cumulatively 21 hours, "said Dr. Anurag Shrimal, Consultant Abdominal Organ Transplantation and HPB Surgeon at Wockhardt.

Dr. Shrimal said that there were a number of complications and dangers involved in the surgery. "Performing a transplant on a child weighing less than 10 kg is difficult, and even 300 ml of blood loss can be catastrophic.Anesthesia and the post-operative procedure can also be difficult for these patients." The question of growth As the recipient is a child, we must make sure that the liver will continue to grow and function in it, which is a delicate process. "

Despite the challenges and unprecedented nature of the # 39 operation, the doctors said that Kavya was recovering well. has pbaded the two-week stage during which most complications occur. "Although it must be undergoing immunosuppressive therapy indefinitely, it will be able to lead a normal and healthy life," said Dr. Gaurav Gupta, consultant in abdominal organ transplant and HPB surgeon at Wockhardt . "We are grateful to the team, they took very good care of Kavya and even took care of the cost," said Kavya's father, Vivek

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