The number of measles cases in Rockland County reaches 20


NEWSLETTERS Get the latest local updates in your inbox What you need to knowThe confirmed cases of measles in Rockland County have been increased to 20, and four suspect cases are currently in the subject of an investigation, announced Friday Rockland County authorities grappling with a measles outbreakThe Department of Health Measles vaccination cases in Rockland County have been increased to 20, and four suspected cases are making currently under investigation, Friday announced measles vaccine officials in Rockland County. measles outbreak in recent weeks – even last week, ask students who are not vaccinated not to go to school. The Department of Health has organized vaccination clinics in response to the growing number of cases of measles. contagious disease. Authorities say more immunization clinics are planned next week, although dates and locations are not yet clear. Larches are a very contagious disease. Young children, immunocompromised pregnant women and non-immunized pregnant women are at greatest risk of serious complications. Measles is transmitted by airborne particles, droplets and direct contact with the respiratory secretions of an infected person. Clams generally occur in the adult and the child in the form of an acute viral illness characterized by fever and generalized rash. The rashes usually start on the face, descend into the body and may include the palms and soles of the feet. The rash lasts for several days. Infected people are contagious four days before rash onset until the fourth day after their onset.Six children in Brooklyn have also been diagnosed with measles after one of them enters they apparently returned from Israel with the highly contagious disease and exposed others, according to municipal health officials Rockland officials encourage everyone to become familiar with the measles, mumps and Rubella (MMR) to protect them from future exposure to measles in Rockland. Individuals are considered protected or immunized against measles if they are born. before 1957, received two doses of MMR vaccine, a measles confirmed by a doctor or provider, or pbaded a laboratory test confirming immunity.To prevent the spread of the disease, the County Health Department Rockland advises anyone who may have been exposed or have measles-compatible symptoms to contact their health care provider, local clinic or local emergency department before seeking treatment. This will help prevent other people in these facilities from being exposed to the disease. You can find the original article by clicking here

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