The Overwatch World Cup Viewer Program Beta Comes Before BlizzCon


Available on, the tool allows you to watch matches from any camera.

  The Overwatch World Cup 2018

The Blizzard Entertainment Overwatch will not be advertised to a new 2018 card, an annual tradition since the game's release. However, while new Cartographic content is in development, director Jeff Kaplan has announced another element in the latest video Update for Developers: The World Cup Viewer . It will be presented to BlizzCon as a "special beta feature".

In addition to watching Overwatch from any camera or point of view via the client, players can also slow down or speed up images. Replay can also be viewed in case you want to review a particular game. Perhaps the coolest is that the Overwatch World Cup Viewer will lay the foundation for the function so that all platforms and all types of match can enjoy it.

Dare to dream that this technology arrives in time for Overwatch League Season 2? We could hope. Until then, the Overwatch World Cup Viewer will be a great way to experience the quarterfinals, semi-finals and the final of the world tournament at the BlizzCon. The BlizzCon 2018 takes place from November 2nd to 3rd.

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