The soda diet linked to the reduced death of colon cancer, according to a study


Although there is no known cure for colon cancer, scientists believe that diet can help reduce the recurrence of the disease, according to a new report.

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Researchers at the Yale Cancer Center recently conducted a study, published in the Journal of the Public Library of Science, to explore the relationship between food and illness.

"We wanted to ask if, after the development and development of cancer, a change in lifestyle – drinking artificially sweetened beverages – would change the outcome of cancer after surgery," asked the author principal Charles S. Fuchs.

For evaluation, his team examined more than 1,000 colon cancer patients enrolled in a clinical trial supported by the National Cancer Institute. Participants completed nutrition questionnaires on their consumption of more than 130 foods and beverages. After badyzing the results, the researchers found that those who drank one or more 12 ounce portions of a soft drink a day had an increased risk of cancer recurrence of 46% or more. death, compared to those who did not drink them.

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Soft drinks were defined as colas containing caffeine, colas without caffeine and other soft drinks.

"Artificially sweetened beverages have an ephemeral reputation in the public because of alleged health risks that have never really been documented," Fuchs said. "Our study clearly shows that they help prevent recurrence of cancer and death in patients who have been treated for advanced colon cancer."

Researchers do not know why there is a link between sodas and colon cancer, they think that the health impact of these soft drinks should be studied further. Fears that artificial sweeteners may increase the incidence of obesity, diabetes and cancer have been raised, but studies on issues such as weight gain and diabetes have been very mixed and, with respect to cancer, epidemiological studies in humans have not demonstrated such relationships. "

»RELATED: Why young adults need to worry about colon cancer, too

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