The update of PUBG introduces a new ten-man team fight event on Sanhok


The latest update to Player Unknown's Battlegrounds hit the live servers with the introduction of a new 'event'. on Sanhok involving ten teams of five players.

The event this weekend will see teams of players equipped with a rifle, a pistol, a fragmentation grenade and a pack of dressings, with care packages containing either a sniper rifle a designated shooter rifle (DMR) that lands every minute, 10 seconds.

"War mode" fights will take place at random. Sanhok's card, with players who accumulate three points for a kill and a point for a 'knock'. Players who are beaten can fall into planes that fly every 30 seconds. The first 200-point team is calling for the chicken dinner. If no team reaches this score in 15 minutes, it is the team that wins the most points.

The event coincides with a new update of 6.6 GB including foliage in Sanhok, like rocks and ruins mossier. A number of minor fixes have also been launched and the update lands with an update of the BattlEye cheat detection tool

However, the introduction of the new Sanhok card, smaller and more action-packed the first two games the cards – Erangal and Miramar – have not helped to permanently increase the number of players, despite price cuts of up to 50% in recent sales on Steam, Fanatical and Green Man Gaming.

Jun 27, 2018 : PUBG Corporation, the company behind PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG), dropped its lawsuit against Epic Games on Fortnite.

PUBG Corp complained that the popular Fortnite Battle Royale game from Epic violated PUBG's copyright in the Battle Royale genre. legal case in South Korea at the end of May (see following page).

These claims, however, were widely derided, and helped turn the PUBG reviews from "Mixed" into "Mostly Negative". filed in 1965, the number of inhabitants reached 1.2 million at the beginning of June.

While the number has increased to about 1.6 million, following an update introducing a smaller and faster card, Fortnite free-to-play has become much more popular, but also makes more of 39, silver – 318 million dollars in May, according to Epic – simply from the sale of cosmetics.

PUBG, on the contrary, is selling for £ 26.99, but it is currently on sale for as low as £ 17.99, and the introduction of loot boxes containing cosmetics has been l? one of the factors that discouraged many players.

The decision was revealed after PUBG Corp delivered a withdrawal letter to Epic Games on Monday.

unclear, according to Bloomberg if a settlement was agreed or if PUBG simply backed down.

However, the links between the two companies have almost certainly complicated things: PUBG uses Epic's Unreal Engine to make its work game, while Te from China ncent has a minority stake in both companies, and developed the Android mobile port of PUBG.

Although both games are based on the same idea of ​​Battle Royale, they are very different, with Fortnite offering a more cartoonistic aesthetic with building mechanics. , while PUBG offers more squeaky realism with weapons based on real weapons.

June 22, 2018 : The latest map of PUBG, Sanhok, has landed today in an update of 12.2 GB while the company behind the game seeks to reverse a fall mbadive number of players. 19659002] Sanhok will be part of a major update, which will also include a new "event pbad" – priced at € 7.49 – and will coincide with a Steam sale intended to attract the attention of new players .

The Sanhok map is about a quarter of Miramar's size, and is intended to provide a faster and more intense Battle Royale game compared to Erangel and Miramar.

In addition, players can reach a larger part of the map of the plane and the bluezone is not only slower and can be distant, but dynamic, depending on the number of remaining players. Time makes a good comeback and can change dynamically.

On Sanhok, too, beginners will be pitched among seasoned players, rather than match-players according to their estimates, and decent weapons – badault rifles and the like –

However, the day also removes the possibility of choosing cards, decision that caused adverse reactions among the most vocal players of the game.

The company justified the removal of the card choice by claiming that it would improve match-making times, with player numbers now divided among three cards; solo, duets or squads; and in terms of perspective in the first person or third person.

Instead, players will be able to choose between Erangel and Miramar, on the one hand, or Sanhok, on the other hand. A new map coming later in the year is planned between Sanhok and Miramar.

The new event card should not spark a new interest in PUBG – presented as a way to allow players to get they get their hands on the guaranteed "premium booty" rather than to get themselves stall on what normally turns out to be an undesirable box of waste.

The update came as PUBG struggled against a steep drop in the number of players since the January summit. when he reached a daily count of 3.2 million players on Steam, making it the most popular game on the gaming platform.

The number of players has dropped since the last update.

In addition, Fortnite, his rival of Battle Royale, not only surpbaded PUBG in popularity, but he left behind him, while a series of other Battle Royale games

And the company did not itself show support in bringing an action against Epic Games, the company behind Fortnite, claiming that Fortnite infringes PUBG's intellectual copyright.

not only was widely mocked, but drove a bunch of negative reviews on Steam, moving it into the "Mostly Negative" territory – a label normally reserved for the most catastrophically bad games on Steam.

June 15, 2018 : Sanhok, the upcoming Mini Player on the battlefields of PlayerUnknown (PUBG), will remove the match-making based on the skill and will kick beginners with veteran players.

The reason, according to the company, is to speed up the matchmaking times and make the Sanhok card more emotional and chaotic for all players. However, while the "career statistics" will be recorded, the performances on Sanhok will not affect the players in terms of matchmaking.

The game is also set to change its approach to card selection "

" We decided that we could not support the selection of individual cards for more than two cards, "the developers write in their Last update.

The missive goes on: "It's because The map selection creates a substantially exponential increase in the number of separate queues combined with other queuing options. , such as group size and perspective, which means that the matchmaking pool is divided into several sections.

Although the game currently has only two cards, they are divided in two as to whether the player wants to play in the third person or the first person, and these two groups are then sliced in three ways: solo, duet and squad (with individual players competing against teams that must also be integrated into team games).

The numbers of daily players typical of PUBG dropped by just over 3.2 million in January. just one month after its early access, to 1.5 million or less last week.

In order to better manage wait times, developers will therefore revoke the separate choices for Erangal and Miramar, which were only introduced in April, and instead give players a direct choice between 'Battle Royale &' # 39; (Erangal or Miramar) or 'Mini Royale & # 39; (Sanhok).

"At least for the moment, we are going to launch Sanhok as its own queue, with Miramar and Erangel grouped together in a separate queue, which means that in the new interface, you will be able to queue for Sanhok alone or Erangel + Miramar together.Choosing the two queues means that you will be randomly placed in one of the three cards currently in the game. "

However, The company revealed at E3 this week that it is working on other cards for PUBG, including one that will be halfway between Erangal and Sanhok to provide more variation for the players.

Next Page: 'Event' of PUBG in June, Sanhok's latest experimental tests and PUBG's plans for better cheat detection [19659040] More reading

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