The World of Warcraft Classic demo has a cooldown of 90 minutes – Brinkwire


The World of Warcraft Clbadic demo is online, but beware, its cooldown is fast.

In an article on, Blizzard says the demo, which is available to homeowners The time limit for reading and the cooldown begin when you log in for the first time. It is "to help as many people as possible to play the Clbadic demo as much as possible". I can only imagine that Blizzard expects a lot of stress when launching his server.

The reading time limit is 60 minutes and the cooldown is 90 minutes. So if you play for an hour, you will have to wait half an hour before you can play again.

Blizzard gives some examples of how you can play to help explain what he's doing:

It's pretty crazy for me, but I suppose that imposing that time of Charging is a better option than not being able to play at all, which could have been the alternative.

After the demo, we can do it and we can badume that he has a better idea of ​​the situation.

"Our goal is to lift session limits as soon as possible after the demo goes live," Blizzard said. "We will only restore session limits if an unexpected request is reinstated."

The World of Warcraft Clbadic demo will be online around 8 pm UK time on November 2 for virtual ticket owners. A virtual ticket costs $ 34.99. The demo closes at 5:00 pm UK time on November 8th.

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