These are the 21 easy ways to speed up your weight loss


It is still this time of year, where many of us are thinking of going on vacation – and maybe we would like to lose a few pounds before going to the beach.

For some, dieting might be part of your life since the New Year, when you made this New Year's resolution (and, if so, you're done right!), While for others It could be a last minute thing before going on a dream vacation.

you are one of those who have been doing it for a little while now, you may be wondering how you can maintain momentum? Or maybe you gave up the diet a while ago and are you trying to figure out what went wrong?

Earlier this year, the Mirror Online revealed 21 best tips to beat the dreaded diet …

1) Take a two-week break

You've faithfully followed your diet, but after a good start , the weight has stopped peeling off? This effect, known as the diet plateau, is a common problem.

However, a study conducted earlier this year at the University of Tasmania found that taking regular breaks of two weeks can defeat him. Researchers were studying the "starvation reaction" that occurs when the body responds to significant weight loss by clinging to fat, believing that food becomes scarce

For people with diet, this evolutionary survival mechanism

The study found that people who dieted for two weeks and then had two weeks of rest over a 16-week period were more likely to lose weight than those who who continued to reduce their weight. 2) Understanding How Weight Loss Works

The reason most people lose weight very quickly during the first few weeks of a diet is that a lot of is lost is water. Once your body has displaced this excess fluid, it is normal for your weight loss rate to slow significantly.

Check your progress and ask yourself if the pounds really stopped falling, or if you just let them go. Experts agree that a reasonable rate for a safe and lasting weight loss is one to two pounds a week

3) Take a weekly selfie

Last year, a study of the l & # 39, University of Alicante Spain found that creating a photo diary was an extremely effective tool when it came to losing books.

More than 80% of the dieters taking full length selfies each week as a record of their changing shape managed to reduce their waistline significantly. Researchers believe that body slamming motivated slimmers because they could clearly see the results of their diet.

4) Readjust your caloric intake

"As you lose weight, your metabolism may slow down because your body says nutritionist Linda Foster

" Therefore, caloric intake only you had initially when you started your weight loss journey will need to be adjusted to match your body's current needs, "she explains.

Try a Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator (BMR), Such that, which takes into account your height, weight, age and activity level to calculate the daily number of calories you would need to consume to keep your new weight lower

Then reduce this figure of about 500 calories to give you the gross daily intake needed to continue losing weight.

5) Or try to eat more!

While & ## 39, it's true, you have to create a deficit between calories and you consume too many calories to lose weight, you reduce too much your intake in extreme diet and this will have the opposite effect.

"If your calorie intake is too low or you are too hungry, you start losing muscle stimulating metabolism. "To lose weight while preserving that important muscle, you might actually need to increase calories."

The trick, it's the right foods. Linda recommends eating lean protein such as chicken or fish, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and avocados.

6) Give priority to your sleep

this metabolic control. Even a few nights of sleep deprivation can lead to increased levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, which encourages the body to overeat and store fat on the belly.

7) Start measuring portions

At the time of super calibration everything is easy to forget what a reasonable portion of food looks like. But eating too much, even healthy food, will soon sabotage weight loss.

Give yourself a one-size-size recycle course. Fortunately, your hand provides an easy way to visualize a reasonable portion of everyday foods for each meal:

-Pasta, potatoes and rice = fist

-Protein (meat / fish) = size of the palm

] – High-fat foods (eg cheese) = inch portion

– Fruits and vegetables: Two to three handles

8) Eggs for breakfast

] makes you feel fuller than cereals, making you less likely to snack mid-morning. This simple change may be enough to roll back the diet.

9) Try Shorter Workouts

If you spend a full hour at the gym, you may lose your time and energy. A new study shows that shorter exercise periods are better for weight loss – as long as you do them regularly.

A study done at the University of Copenhagen found that people who worked 30 minutes a day lost as much fat as those who worked 60 minutes a day.

They suspect that people who did shorter workouts had more energy to be more active throughout the day. Small activities add up, burning more calories all day long.

10) Start pbading salt

The scales may have stopped leaning in your favor because your body holds too much water. And the most common trigger for this is to consume an excess of salt. Water hangs on salt like a magnet, so the more you eat, the more your body hangs on it.

11) Eat more protein

Protein contains an amino acid, leucine, which many studies have identified as a powerful trigger for burning body fat. So, if you have been on a diet full of lots of fruits and vegetables, you may need to add more protein to boost that weight loss.

Aim for a serving every few hours because even though high-protein foods like eggs, nuts and meat contain more calories than an apple or salad, research shows that they keep you longer and reduce your overall caloric intake for the day.

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