These jobs could increase your risk of developing cancer


People who work in certain occupations, such as manufacturing, are more likely to contract cancer than those in other occupations. These are the jobs that can increase the risk of developing cancer among workers, according to scientific research. ( pixabay )

Studies have shown that people who work in certain professions, such as flight attendants, are more likely to develop health problems than those who work in other professions.

These health problems include different types of cancer, including bad cancer and skin cancer.

The researchers attributed the high risk to a number of factors such as exposure to different types of chemicals and radiation at the workplace, exposure to too much sunlight or disruption of circadian rhythms.

Here is a list of jobs that can increase the risk of developing cancer.

The workplace and the risk of cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, the rate of work-related cancers has dropped significantly in recent decades due to the increase in safety regulations.

Only 4% of cancers in the United States are attributable to occupational exposure to carcinogens, known as carcinogens. In the United Kingdom, by contrast, 5% of cancer deaths were related to occupational exposure.

In addition, three to six percent of all cancers in the world have been caused by exposure to these substances.


As farmers spend most of their time working outdoors, they are more likely to be exposed to too much sunlight. Too much ultraviolet or UV light from the sun is known to be the leading cause of the most lethal type of skin cancer called melanoma.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. Every 57 minutes, someone dies as a result of melanoma. The warning signs of the disease include moles that have irregular borders, multiple colors, a larger diameter than a pencil eraser, a sensitivity and a tendency to bleed.

The best ways to reduce the risk of contracting the disease are to stay in the shade, especially in the late afternoon and to wear protective clothing such as a hat, sunglbades, shirts with sleeves long pants and long pants.

In addition to UV light, most farmers also expose themselves to harmful agricultural chemicals, including fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, solvents and fuels.


Like farmers, construction workers sometimes work outside under the sunlight. However, they are more likely to be exposed to asbestos, a natural mineral substance that was once a common ingredient in American building materials.

Despite this, asbestos remains a threat to the health of people in the United States. According to the American Lung Association, about 1.3 million construction workers are currently exposed to the substance at work.

The substance causes asbestosis, which is a condition caused by the inhalation of microscopic fibers of asbestos.

Manufacturing and mining

Factory workers and miners are exposed to a number of harmful chemicals, including fossil fuels such as coal products, benzene, diesel engine exhaust gases and mineral oils.

According to a study published in 2012 in the open access journal of BioMed Central Environmental Healthresearchers have found evidence that reinforces the link between bad cancer risk and occupations in the agricultural and manufacturing industries.

In the study, researchers found that people with potentially high exposure to carcinogens and endocrine disruptors were at high risk of bad cancer. Areas of increased risk included the manufacture of automotive plastics, food canning and metalworking.

Air hostesses

In a more recent study, researchers found that flight attendants are more likely to have higher rates of all types of cancer than the general population, despite health-promoting behaviors such as smoking and smoking. ;obesity.

They also observed that women cabin crew members have an increased risk of bad cancer, melanoma and non-melanoma cancer. Surprisingly, the high risk was attributed to various factors, including the number of children that women flight attendants had.

Previous studies also show that circadian rhythm disturbances may also play a role in the increased risk of cancer. Flight attendants also routinely expose themselves to UV rays and ionizing radiation.

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