To control muscular dystrophy – TELANGANA


Muscular dystrophy, a genetic condition in which muscles are progressively weakened and wasted, has up to now challenged any form of treatment or cure even though research is taking place around the world.

Skeletal muscles make up 40% of our body. deal with constant wear due to continuous movement and injury. Yet, we do not notice this because of a self-healing mechanism of muscle regeneration.

Now scientists at the Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) have traced here a path among mice on how cells work in a muscle when it is activated , sleeps and reactivates again leading to the regeneration of stem cells during the normal growth process.

Healthy cells usually go through this routine. However, muscles with dystrophy undergo a mutation, where cells instead of staying asleep after an activation phase that helps regenerate stem cells, continue to be active leading to degeneration and death, Jyotsna explains. Dhawan and his fellow student-researcher. Ajoy Aloysius Wednesday.

"We try to understand the basic concept, it's only a phase in the whole cycle of muscle function, we have to test this hypothesis in mice with muscular dystrophy and the human trials are But this open path helps us understand why the muscles continue to stay active all the time rather than periodically maintaining the active-dormant phases leading to regeneration, "they said.

Their effort was published in the last issue of
Scientific Signage
review of July 24th. The study that traces the pathway of the "Smad3 & Lef1" proteins involved in the gene change required to maintain the stem cell's ability to self-renew is also part of the collaboration between Dr. Dhawan's laboratory. and Ramanuj. Das Gupta at the Singapore Genome Institute

CCMB Director Rakesh Mishra said that it was a key step in basic research and that it would have a considerable impact on the medical domain. So, if a drug can be developed to ensure that the cells go into sleep mode to prepare them for regeneration, it could help with specialized treatment.

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