Toddlers are more vulnerable to hand, foot-and-mouth disease | Pune News


Pune: The disease of the hand, foot-and-mouth disease and foot-and-mouth disease, characterized by painful rashes, throat infection and fever, is spreading rapidly in children under three years of age.

"If a child shows a loss of appetite and has oral ulcers, it's time to see a doctor," said pediatrician Sanjay Mankar, who sees about 8-10 cases each day at his hospital on Sinhagad Road.

Mankar stated that the disease is mainly observed in children under five. "This year, however, more cases are seen in children under the age of 3. I have seen many of these cases for two weeks.The spread of the disease is fast and has not decreased" , he added.

HFMD is contagious, therefore, infected children should stay away from schools until they recover fully.

"A significant number of infected children have vesicles (fluid-filled lesions) on burns, while a few have complained of ulcers in the oral cavity.The lesions are more on the upper and lower limbs and bad, "said Mankar.

Pediatrician Jayant Joshi, former president of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP), Pune Chapter, said: "Parents should not send infected children to school for five to seven days before the new lesions cease to appear. show signs of recovery. "

Joshi, who sees three to four children each day with HFMD, has corroborated that the lesions observed in HFMD are more about burns than in the oral cavity this year.

Pediatrician Sanjay Lalwani, president of the IAP, chapter of Pune, said, "The disease is self-limiting. Therefore, there is no need to panic. However, it spreads by contact and can spread quickly in small clbadrooms where children come into close contact. Infected children take five to seven days to recover and teachers need to be sensitized to the disease so that they can play an active role in preventing spread. "

Lalwani, however, added that the disease is mild and causes no complications. "Usually, oral healing takes about four to five days and the skin lesions take about two weeks to heal.The rash leaves no scarring.The treatment is mainly symptomatic with medications administered to relieve pain and pain. discomfort, "he said.

Doctors advise frequent hand washing, keeping the environment clean and following hygienic practices to keep the disease at bay.

Although it involves rashes, HFMD should not be confused with chicken pox. "Unlike chickenpox rash, which causes mild itching, HFMD rashes do not cause itching.Another difference is that in the case of chickenpox, vesicles (vesicles) are observed on the back and the lymphadenitis. abdomen and that they are caused by a different virus, "said senior pediatrician Sharad Agarkhedkar.

Parents should continue to persuade infected children to eat softened food while providing adequate water intake. "The reason for the rapid spread of HFMD is the child-to-child contact in schools – I see an average of five to six cases each day," said Agarkhedkar.

The experts said that the infection spreads by direct and pbadive contact. "The virus enters the body when virus-laden objects such as toys and fingers are put in the mouth.This is particularly common in young children who make them vulnerable.The virus can also spread through droplets when the Child reaches cough or sneezes, "they added.

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