Tronx One, India's first intelligent crossover electric bike, launched at Rs 49,999 – The age of the smart cycle


  The Age of the Intelligent Cycle

The Age of the Intelligent Cycle

Tronx Motors, a Smartron Company, Announced Wednesday the Launch of India's first intelligent hybrid electric bike, Tronx One.

The e-bike priced at Rs 49,999 on an introductory offer for limited units is open pre-orders and will be available in two colors – magma red and pacific blue. Delivery will begin July 16 for the first batch of consumers who pre-booked the bike.



  Battery and autonomy

Battery and autonomy

The bike does not require a charging infrastructure because the battery is removable and can be charged anywhere. The speed was capped at 25 km / h, so no need for a license.

The electric bike, which has a 500-watt lithium-ion battery and can be recharged in approximately 2 hours and boasts a range of 50 km in continuous throttle mode per charge and 70-85 km in charge-badisted electronic mode



  Driving Modes

Driving Modes

Bicycles, have two modes, one in which the engine can be completely extinguished and can be peddled like a bicycle. In the second mode, there is an option kick start in which the engine will come into picture



  Packed with IoT

Packed with IoT

The intelligent services equipped in the bike are from TronX such as the lock unlock option, the display unit and the navigation system, among others. It is integrated with an application that allows you to define a range of estimation and fitness goals, among others from the smartphone.



  Launched in 12 Cities

Launched in 12 Cities

The company supported by Sachin Tendulkar launched cycling in 12 major cities, including Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Bangalore , Chennai and Pune, and service centers will be opened in each of these cities.


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