Truckers Call Strike, Government Forms High Level Group to Review Applications


Carriers canceled today their eight-day strike after the government agreed to consider their demands, bringing relief to the industry, primarily to mbad-market players, to the trade electronics and the automobile affected by the disruption of supplies. the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways and the Indian Road Transport Congress (AIMTC) said: "The agitation of the AIMTC is immediately lifted.

The decision to put an end to this agitation was made after a marathon meeting of carriers and senior officials of the Ministry of Transportation and Highways.

The truckers' body, which boasts the support of 93 lakh trucks across the country, will strike indefinitely on July 20 to lobby for their demands such as diesel price cuts, third-party insurance premiums and a favorable toll system.

The Minister of Transport, Highways and Navigation Nitin Gadkari said: The government is sensitive to the demands of carriers, it has already accepted their many requests and considers the rest as a high-level committee. "

The committee will be set up under the direction of Road Transport, Highways and will submit its report within three months.

It was agreed that the Indian Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRDAI) will discuss tomorrow the demand for "Regarding tolls, the government agrees to put in place, within a six months, a mechanism to ensure the uninterrupted transport of transport vehicles through the tolls.The industries such as e-commerce, consumer goods and car manufacturers have been facing the heat of protest, supplies in agricultural products such as cotton, grains and spices having been severely affected

The industrial body Assocham said that the strike had caused a direct and indirect loss estimated at more than 50 000 rupees for the 39, economy, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) being the most affected.

Automobile indus try body SIAM said that businesses had to adjust the production that the strike has affected both the supply of parts and the distribution of vehicles. "Our members are facing an unprecedented crisis as it affects the movement of vehicles and components due to the strike," said Sugato Sen, Deputy Director General of SIAM. AIMTC Central Committee chairman, Bal Malkit Singh, said the truckers had lost about 32,000 rupees during the eight-day strike.

Reacting to the withdrawal of the strike, the president of CII, Rakesh Bharti Mittal, said: comes as a great relief to the industry across the country … We hope the side effects of the strike and the losses will be recovered soon. "

The Government stated that the Committee of the Ministry of Transport and Roads would study the possibility of additional relief measures.

"The government will study the possibility of extending the coverage of Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojna and Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Beema Yojna The government will also study the possibility of providing health services to drivers in accordance with the ESIC

In addition, the Government will notify a national permit system for pbadenger vehicles to facilitate the movement of vehicles.The Government also stated that it would consider applications like increasing the validity of fitness certificates for two-year vehicles, simplification of national clearance rules, higher axle load regularization for existing vehicles, strict enforcement against overload and uniform height for vehicles

The committee will consider the request of the ", said the communiqué.

With regard to the liv direct reason at the port, it was decided that the committee would consider any GST-related issues, any GST issues, rationalization / abolition of TDS rates. The committee is composed of representatives of the Ministry of Navigation, the Central Office of Direct Taxes, the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs and six representatives of the AIMTC.

AIMTC officials met with Finance Minister Piyush Goyal earlier in the day

Carrier requests included a reduction in central and state taxes by switching diesel to GST, so that the price of the deregulated commodity can be reduced.

Essential goods were kept out of the strike. However, Anil Chavan, secretary of the Agricultural Commodity Market Committee in Mumbai, said the grain and spice market was hit by the strike, with only 12 trucks and spice tempos and 145 trucks and tempos of grains arriving today at the mandi. compared to 193 for spices and 308 for grains on July 20th.

Atul Ganatra, president of the Cotton Association of India (CAI), said that the ginning factories were about to close due to lack of raw materials. Truckers also protested the "imperfect and non-transparent" toll system, which they say favors road dealers. They claimed time and fuel loss rises up to Rs 1.5 million crore annually because of this.

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