Twinkle Khanna closes the nutritionist who checked her, says "Let me go from the page" | Bollywood


The wife, writer and columnist of actress Akshay Kumar, Twinkle Khanna, got into a social media fight with a nutritionist. Twinkle shared a post on Instagram in which she gave some health tips, but a woman did not care. Twinkle closed it in an answer.

In her original post, Twinkle described the basic steps that worked for her – she advised her followers to include oat, quinoa and pumpkin seeds in their diet for three months. She told them to contact her with results. One person commented: "Mrs. knows that everything has now started to give advice on diet."

The user, Kamna Desai, identifies herself as a "clinical dietitian and sports nutritionist" in her bio Instagram. Twinkle has left a long answer. She wrote, "Since you are a nutritionist, why do not you say that what I have suggested is not a good source of iron or that it is harmful?"

Twinkle continued: "I have been severely anemic throughout my life. life and with these simple changes managed to reverse the situation in a very short time with blood tests to corroborate the results. If something simple can help people, why not share information? Either refute my arguments or take your cynicism out of my page.

Twinkle fans went against it. One of them commented, "Why so much hate. She did not even say that it would work for everyone. but she suggested what worked for her … Go, girl. "

Read also: Twinkle Khanna clarifies the reaction to the joke of Prime Minister Modi, claims that the only part that she approves concerns vodka, hangover

The Social from Twinkle The personality of the media is very much appreciated by his fans. She is known to be open to her opinions and has even criticized the government of the past. This facet has been evoked during a recent interview between Akshay Kumar and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who admitted that he follows Twinkle on Twitter and that he is aware of his nature of being in the business. opinion.


First publication:
May 03, 2019 15:51 PM IST

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