Two young siblings diagnosed with brain tumors in two weeks | Redondo Beach


For Torrance's parents, Duncan and Nohea Avery, the last few weeks have been a living nightmare

Kalea, a 6-year-old child, has not only been diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. Two weeks later, their second child, Noah, aged 2, was also diagnosed with a brain tumor. A biopsy is not yet over on Noah's tumor, but it seems to be acting from the same cancer known as medulloblastoma.

Experts say two brothers and sisters who contract a cancerous brain tumor are extremely rare. The exact probabilities are unknown because no one has identified a similar case. But chances are probably bigger than being struck by lightning … twice.

"We were both in shock," said Duncan Avery, coach of the surf team and former college volleyball coach at Redondo Union High School. "How two children at 14 days apart are diagnosed with the same brain tumor? How is this possible?"

The two children were recovering this week at the Children's Hospital and women's Miller at Long Beach pending their transfer to the Los Angeles Children's Hospital. Once there, oncologists and a geneticist from the UCLA School of Public Health plan to do some research on the case. It is expected that the whole family will undergo genetic testing to look for a cause.

Because both children need chemotherapy and radiation therapy, the family has created a GoFundMe page to help defray costs. To date, fundraising has generated more than $ 64,000.

"At least once a day I will tell my husband, we are so lucky to be where we are and to have the support of family and friends and neighbors and the community behind us, "said Mother Nohea Avery. "We realized that we are so lucky to be in this position."

Their family trial began about four weeks ago on Remembrance Day weekend when Kalea started to complain about headaches. That Sunday, she vomited and Thursday, her condition worsening, they took her to the ER. The next day, the family visited her pediatrician and, during the weekend, she seemed to improve.

The following Monday, Kalea's condition worsened, so they went to see a neurologist who ordered an MRI. It was then that they discovered a tumor in the area of ​​the posterior fossa of the brain, a small space in the skull near the brainstem and cerebellum.

On June 11, surgeons took a tumor 3.5 centimeters in diameter. It was then that they discovered that she had brain cancer and that she would need chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

The following week was particularly difficult. It took several days for Kalea to regain his ability to speak. This first week after the operation, she was extremely uncomfortable. The doctors said that they were lucky to remove the tumor when it was wrapped around an artery. She still has language and motor function problems, but doctors are waiting for her to recover.

As Kalea began to improve, Duncan and Nohea began to notice problems with their 2-year-old son Noah. walks oddly like a drunk person. They immediately brought him to an oncologist, who again ordered an MRI

When the doctor returned with the results, the parents were devastated.

"We looked at each other and we thought it would not happen again," said Duncan. "What are the chances?"

On Monday, surgeons removed a brain tumor from Noah's The family is still waiting for laboratory results to confirm that it was cancerous, but doctors have already said that it is likely according to its appearance.

Experts say that the cause of the tumor Cerebral is genetic and improbable caused by something in the environment.The oncologist with whom they spoke believed that this could be a genetic cause triggered by an environmental factor

.Medulloblastoma is the malignant brain tumor the most common in children, accounting for about 20% of all childhood brain tumors.According to the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, between 250 and 500 children have one each year. [19659002] For the family pediatrician, Dr. Lauren Nguyen, the diagnoses were also distressing.

"As doctors, even though we are supposed to have stoic behavior, it's very difficult for me," Nguyen said. I care a lot about this family because it happens to them twice, it's just amazing. "

If there is a saving grace, both parents said it would be a blessing if their experience could help identify a genetic cause.

" If our family was placed on this earth for help solve the question of why this can happen, it would be amazing, "said Duncan.

Hermosa Beach Restaurant Barans 2239 will donate to Avery's some of his evenings on the 8th July 10 and 11. Reservations Required.

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