Type 2 Diabetes: What to Look for on Food Labels to Prevent Peaks in Blood Glucose?


Type 2 diabetes is usually caused by an overweight or obese person due to poor dietary choices

. It can be difficult to identify this disease because the symptoms do not necessarily interfere with its well-being. But if type 2 diabetes is not treated, serious health problems can result.

One of the ways to prevent and control it is to adopt a healthy and balanced diet and avoid certain foods.

It is important to look at the food labels in the drop-down menu. supermarket to help you choose the right foods. According to Diabetes UK, you have to be wary of six things.

According to a charity dedicated to diabetes, many of the claims made on food packaging, such as fat-free or low-fat fat, can be confusing.

No Fat

] There is no fat in the ingredient list, but you should check the ingredient list to see if added sugar is often used to replace fat.

Sugar Free

Check the ingredient list for fat, which can make it difficult to replace. sugar.

Low Fat

Check that the product contains 3 g or less of fat per 100 g

Low sugar content

Check that the product contains less than 5 g of sugar per 100 g

No added sugar

19659007] Although no sugar is added, it may contain sugar of natural origin in the food.

Reduced fat or sugar content

Make sure the product contains at least 30% less fat or sugar than the standard version of the product. 19659005] Symptoms of type 2 diabetes, according to the NHS, include:

  • Pissing more than usual, night pa
  • Always thirsty
  • Feeling very tired
  • Losing weight without seeking
  • Itching around the penis or bad, or constantly having thrush
  • Cuts or wounds that take longer to heal [19659020] Blurred vision

A peculiar sensation in your hands may also indicate # 39; affection.

The health agency advises you to consult a GO if you have any of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes or if you are afraid of having it.

He explains, "Your GP can diagnose diabetes. You must have a blood test, which may need to be seen at your local health center, as your doctor will not be able to do it.

"The sooner diabetes is diagnosed and the treatment started, the better it is. Early treatment reduces the risk of other health problems. "

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