United Arab Emirates doctors rescue patients with rare heart disease


Acute Aortic dissection of type A affects 3 out of 100,000 people and is linked to a 50% mortality rate before hospitalization

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Helmy (left) with the patient (right) with permission from Zulekha Hospital

Dubai: A resident of UAE suffering from a life-threatening vascular disease has been successfully treated at Zulekha hospital in Sharjah.

The 53-year-old man, who was admitted with a bicuspid aortic valve, was suffering from Acute Aortic Dissection Type A (AADA). This condition affects three out of every 100,000 patients and results in a 50% mortality rate even before the patient reaches a hospital.

AADA often occurs in patients with weakened and enlarged aorta. About 20% of people with thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection have a genetic predisposition. The patient developed severe chest pain and was immediately taken for further examination. A multitransmitter angiogram was performed to confirm the patient's diagnoses, after which he was transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU) where he was operated on.

Dr. Mohammad Ahmad Helmy, a hospital heart surgeon, with a team of surgeons, used a heart-lung machine to circulate and control blood flow during the procedure.

Circulation was intentionally suspended during repair of the proximal portion of aortic dissection to maintain a body temperature of 22 to 24 degrees

This reduces the necessary oxygen and the metabolic rate, thus ensuring the body's protection during total circulatory arrest. Replacement of the ascending aorta dissected with a Dacron graft was done in 20 minutes to prevent brain injury during the procedure.

"Rapid diagnosis was the need of the hour because time was scarce.There is a great possibility of several complications with such cases which include bleeding, re-exploration , neurological disorders, renal failures and extended stay of intensive care unit, "said Dr. Helmy., the patient was released after an eight-day stay at the hospital and made a Complete recovery.

The symptoms of acute aortic dissection range from acute pain-related event and collapse due to aortic rupture or pericardial tamponade (this occurs when the fluid in the pericardium – the sac around the heart – accumulates and causes compression of the heart) .It can also be caused after manifestations of organ or limb ischemia, in which the tear begins in the aorta ascending and progressing throughout the vessel, often extending up to the arteries of the leg. The mortality rate in the first three days is 60% and is calculated on an hourly basis with a 1% incidence of increased risk of death every hour.

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