VIDEO: Montae Nicholson and Vernon Davis return to Redskins OTAs


Most of the time, if you get angry with an NFL player who jumps OTA volunteers, you're wrong.

But if you are a fan of the Redskins a little puzzled by the absence of Montae Nicholson At the first training sessions in Washington, you have the right to be.

Nicholson was not at Ashburn on Monday, a practice open to the media. There is nothing to indicate that it has been reported to the Skins since (UPDATE: here is a video proving his return, which is an encouraging sign).

This situation is not really worth it to panic. Again, OTAs are voluntary and it is quite possible that Nicholson is working elsewhere and thinks that it is this way that he will be best prepared for 2019.

Nevertheless, baduming that there is nothing else serious, it is a questionable choice by the defensive back. And, according to Jay Gruden, it's a questionable choice that he's made himself.

"Well," Gruden answered on Monday as to whether Nicholson was dismissed based on the 23-year-old's decision. Gruden had said earlier in his statement that he was "not really surprised" by this.

Maybe the coach is telling the truth and he did not surprise him. You can bet he was definitely annoyed by that.

Nicholson is not a well established player like Trent Williams or Josh Norman, of other players who were not present at the time when Burgundy and Gold started this phase of the NFL calendar . He is a third-year security player with 22 top and bottom matches to his name.

In addition, he is barely dismissed from last week, namely that the charges of badaulting him in December were dropped for lack of evidence. One would think that someone who has just learned this would want to stand in front of Gruden and his team of coaches and try to repair his image.

After all, most of the employees who preferred to keep Ha Ha Clinton-Dix in the formation above Nicholson, even though Clinton-Dix struggled after his arrival, remains in charge.

The starting point against Landon Collins is wide open and among the options on the list, Nicholson is the most talented. He would also have a good place next to Collins, considering that he had speed and hedging skills when he was in good health and that he was mentally right.

Speaking of Collins, he attended OTAs, despite the fact that he could not participate, he continues. rehabilitate an injury to the shoulder. Yet he was there, involved and wandering behind the scenes, encouraging his teammates and coaching young DBs on various techniques and details.

One of those DBs that Collins should have coached is Nicholson, yet Nicholson was not found. . Many more representatives are expecting Nicholson in the coming months, but the fact that he was not there to claim their first help is not the best way to get back into the starting training.


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