Vidya Balan on the problems of aggravation of fats and hormones: 5 reasons why you do not lose weight and how to manage it


  Vidya Balan recently opened a discussion on her battle with hormonal problems and fat camouflage

Vidya Balan recently opened a discussion about her fight against hormonal problems and camouflage fats & nbsp | & nbspPhoto Photo: & nbspInstagram

New Delhi: Vidya Balan is undoubtedly one of Bollywood's most talented actors thanks to her incredible talent as an actress and at many awards and distinctions. But the actress Parineeta regularly goes under scanner for her big problems! The nationally-awarded actress, who turned 40 last month, recently unveiled her fight against big shame and her difficulties in managing her weight and hormonal problems. Actress Sara Ali Khan also spoke about her fight against weight loss and PCOS, also called PCOD.

In a recent interview granted to Filmfare star of the actress Tumhari Sulu revealed that it was not easy for her to lose weight because of her hormonal problems. Vidya also talked about her struggle with the body's acceptance all her life. Read – Sara Ali Khan reveals his fight against PCOS and weight loss: 10 symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome

"I have had hormonal problems all my life. It's probably because of the judgment I made around my body. When I was a teenager, people would say to me, "You look so pretty, why do not you lose some weight?" It's not a good thing to say to anyone. Whether a child or an adult. So, I would die of hunger, I would follow delirious exercise regimes and lose weight. Then the hormonal problem would calm down a little before getting up again. I imagine it was the way my body was revolting because, wanting it to be what it was not, I was constantly rejecting it, "she said. during the interview. "

Vidya also explained how she stopped watching her shots on the monitor during filming.

"Many years ago, I had stopped watching my shots on the monitor while filming because I'm not sure. d look at the monitor and think: do I look big? "

" "Even slim, I always felt fat. Weight loss, weight gain, weight loss, weight gain has been my trend forever, "added the actress.

The Reasons Why You Have Weight Loss Problems [19659010] In truth, being overweight often does not do anything with the diet or fitness routine.For many people, the problem could be due to hormonal imbalance or drug treatment. If you have not been able to lose those extra pounds despite dieting, you need to determine if there is a health problem underlying your weight problem. Also Raed – The secret of weight loss of actress Parineet Chopra, of Namaste England, explains how she went from fat to form

This is important because many health problems can cause the taking of weight loss weight loss. –

Hypothyroidism: Also known as insufficient thyroid or low thyroid, this is a condition in which your body does not produce enough thyroid hormones to burn stored fat. . This can slow down your metabolism and make you store more fat than you can burn.

Cushing Syndrome: Affection caused by too much hormone called cortisol in your body. This can lead to a build-up of fat in the face, upper back, and abdomen

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): A hormonal disorder that affects the functioning of the ovaries of a wife. The usual symptoms are: irregular menstrual bleeding, acne, excessive hair growth, hair loss or hair loss, difficulty getting pregnant and weight gain not caused by overeating.

Chronic Stress: Your body can produce chemicals – like the hormone cortisol – that make you more likely to store fat, especially around the waist, when you live with anxiety, stress or grief. Weight gain due to chronic stress can wreak havoc on your mind and body, increasing the risk of serious health problems.

Depression: Weight gain, especially abdominal obesity, is linked to depression. The problem is that many depressed people often turn to eating to ease their emotional distress.

But it's not just medical problems that can make you lose weight. According to health experts, some medications, such as drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes, schizophrenia, asthma and lupus, oral contraceptives, hormone therapies, and so on. can cause weight gain or prevent you from losing it.

because of medication or a health problem: what can you do?

If you think you are gaining weight or have difficulty losing weight because of a health problem or medication, consult your doctor immediately. Weight gain can be very embarrbading and dangerous for your health. And of course, make sure you make healthier food choices by focusing on nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, while avoiding or reducing processed foods. Stay physically active and try to do more exercise, although it's not easy to lose those pounds gained due to a health problem or medication. It's not impossible and you can do it! Your doctor may be able to help you find a solution to your existing problems.

Back in Vidya, the actress will be seen at Mangal Mission with her former co-star, Akshay Kumar.

Disclaimer: tips and tricks The suggestions mentioned in this article are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or dietitian before starting any fitness program or changing your diet.

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