Vijay Mallya will be detained at Arthur Road Prison in Mumbai, one of the best in India: Officials


NEW DELHI: Arthur's Prison, in Mumbai, where the fugitive alcohol baron Vijay Mallya would be kept after the UK's extradition, was one of the best of the country, officials of the Ministry of the Interior said today.

Prisons in India were as good as in any other country in the world and prisoners' rights were fully protected in Indian jails. Mallya's apprehension about threats to her life was "misleading," an Interior Ministry official said.

Comments came after a UK court asked the Indian authorities to submit a video within three weeks of the Arthur Road jail where they plan to keep Mallya post-extradition for to face the law. default case.

The official stated that adequate medical facilities were available to treat prisoners in Arthur Prison, where Mallya would receive full security coverage as a prisoner from the back and was highly secure according to international standards.

The central government had already conducted an badessment of the security coverage given to prisoners in Arthur's prison and its findings were forwarded to the British court.

Mallya, 62, was in the UK since March 2016 and was arrested by Scotland Yard on extradition on April 18th. However, he was quickly released on bail by the court.

India and the United Kingdom have an extradition treaty, signed in 1992, but until now, only one extradition has taken place under the arrangement.

Samirbhai Vinubhai Patel was sent to India last October for trial as part of his alleged involvement in the post-Godhra riots of 2002. However, unlike Mallya, he was subjected to 39, extradition order without legal challenge.

During a brief hearing in London today, Judge Emma Arbuthnot stated that she was not able to hear the case and simply sent representations from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), representing the Indian Government, and the Mallya Defense Team. Barrack 12 of Mumbai Central Prison.

She asked the Indian authorities to submit a "step by step video" of Barrack 12 to "remove doubt" about the availability of natural light in the cell where the businessman was to be detained before the trial, during the trial and in the case where he was convicted by the Indian courts.

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