Want to control your blood sugar? Eat these 3 foods


When your blood glucose is above normal, it means you have diabetes. Do you know? High blood sugar and insulin resistance are related to inflammation, heart and kidney disease, etc., which can be fatal for your health. So, if you have diabetes, you should be careful to avoid refined sugar, processed foods and fatty foods, as they may put you in a difficult time and have a negative impact on your health. So, make changes to your lifestyle and reduce foods, such as processed foods, that can increase your blood sugar. In addition, you should eat foods that can help you control your blood sugar. Here we decode the foods that diabetics should consume regularly in controlled quantities.

  1. You can opt for almonds: The powerful almond is loaded with magnesium and you should know that low levels of magnesium can lead to this type 1 and type 2 diabetes. So you should eat it all from after.
  2. You can opt for cinnamon: This is a spice that is commonly found in your kitchen. Cinnamon is renowned for its medicinal properties and its beneficial effects on health. This can help you improve your health and immunity. Plus, it's a boon for you if you have diabetes. Cinnamon contains compounds that can help prevent the absorption of sugar in your bloodstream and control your blood sugar. Add it to your vegetables and curry and you will be sorted!
  3. You can opt for green tea: It is antioxidant in nature and full of catechins that can help you control your blood sugar levels. So what are you waiting for? SIP on now! You will surely feel good and notice the difference.

Published: November 2, 2018 12:01 pm

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