Weight Loss: Take this breakfast at 9 pence per serving to target belly fat and lose weight


Most Britons still want to lose weight, even in summer.

There are many diet and exercise plans to help people achieve these goals, but many can be time consuming and expensive. .

However, there are many ways to lose weight that are easy and affordable even by targeting stubborn belly fat.

One way to speed up weight loss is to eat this basic product of breakfast 9p, which can boost energy levels vitamin levels and abdominal fat

According to nutritionist Cbadandra Burns, eating from porridge to breakfast is one of the best things you can do for your health and waistline.

"Oats are a good source of" freeing up energy and, unlike most other breakfast cereals, does not contain added sugar, "began Cbadandra.

"This means that they can help you keep your energy (and your appetite) steady until lunch time, rather than causing a crash to the middle-in the morning. "

As a breakfast option, there is little better than porridge, they come in at about 9 pence per serving and are easy and quick to prepare.

It is also good for waist circumference, with about 150 calories per serving.

Porridge is full of whole grains and therefore fiber, fiber being a key element to keep belly fat in check.

"As whole grains, oats are a natural source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B1, magnesium, iron, manganese and zinc, which have many nutritionists," said the nutritionist. .

"Most breakfast cereals contain few of these natural nutrients and need to be fortified with synthetic vitamins, which may not be as easily used by our body." [19659002] "Scottish Nairn Oats from Nairn ( £ 1.99, www.nairns-oatcakes.com) is a particularly interesting source of magnesium.] Cbadandra Aled dream: "Porridge is a great breakfast for fitness fanatics or sports fans – before or after the day. training.

"Slow-release carbohydrates in oats are fantastic for training or restoring muscles after training, and magnesium is vital for muscle function too."

Add nuts from seeds or fruit to porridge for more protein, good fats and nutritional intake, and to build a perfectly balanced breakfast.

In addition to being low in sugar, calories, fiber and ideal for weight loss, the porridge also helps lower cholesterol levels, naturally.

Porridge is also one of the favorite dishes of the Victoria's Secret Angels for breakfast.

One of the aspects of the diet of pre-fashion shows before the fashion show is to eat certain foods at breakfast, and angels prefer porridge and eggs packed with protein.

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