Weightlifting can reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke + several other serious health problems


Want to reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke? Try weightlifting. A new study published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise states that weightlifting less than an hour a week can reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke by 40 to 70%. According to a report on the study published in IANS, less than an hour of weekly resistance exercises like weightlifting compared to no resistance exercise was badociated with a risk of developing a syndrome metabolism including diabetes reduced by 32%, and at a lower risk of cholesterol. But do not worry, you will not have to spend hours at the gym lifting weights to reap the benefits. The study indicates that there would be no additional benefit to spending more than an hour in the weight room and that two sets of tabletop presses taking less than five minutes could be effective, according to Duck-chul Lee, a professor. Associate of Iowa State University (USA).

Another surprising finding of this study is that it's not necessary to do aerobic physical activity to reduce the risk of developing these diseases because strength training is enough. This study exclusively examines the link between resistance exercise and cardiovascular disease and shows the benefits of strength training regardless of stroke, walking or any other aerobic activity. Lee reportedly said that since "muscles are the driving force for burning calories, muscle building helps move joints and bones … (and) also helps prevent obesity and provides long-term benefits over time." various health outcomes ".

Weightlifting has many other health benefits. Here are a few:

  1. Did you know that weightlifting can help even pregnant women, provided they are used to lifting weights. Doctors recommend using a low weight during pregnancy and avoid heavy weight and lying down. It is best to avoid lifting weights in the third trimester, when hormonal changes are thought to induce increased laxity of the joints, tendons and ligaments to facilitate delivery which makes you more vulnerable to sprains and strains. sprains. [19659005] Weightlifting is known to reduce stress by increasing the rate of endorphin.
  2. Weightlifting improves your metabolism, resulting in greater fat loss even after training. of diseases like arthritis and osteoporosis.

Posted: November 16, 2018 10:57 AM

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