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  With 1.9 billion users, YouTube broadcasts 180mn hours per day on television screens

Photo Credit: Twitter @ YouTube

IANS [19659004] San Francisco, 23 July (IANS) More than 1.9 billion users connect to YouTube each month and on average, users watch more than 180 million hours of video on TV screens every day, said Susan Wojcicki. 19659005] "Our overall interactions, such as tastes, comments, and discussions, grew by more than 60% from one year to the next. More and more creators are building their businesses and discovering that they can shape the global conversation with just a phone and an internet connection, "said Wojcicki during a mid-year update.

"We made a conscious effort to respond on social networks, we answered 600% more tweets thanks to our official credentials (@TeamYouTube, @YTCreators and @YouTube) in 2018 that 2017 and we increased our audience by 30%, "said Wojcicki

. a new feature that allows it to provide relevant information in YouTube Studio (formerly Creator Studio).

"In February, we started testing a new dashboard with a small group of creators, and the dashboard, which has been launched for all English channels, will soon be available in 76 other languages ​​in both languages. next few weeks, "she noted

. We have worked with a small group of creators to develop this service and extend it to eligible channels with more than According to the YouTube CEO, more than 100,000 subscribers and even more creators in the months to come.

Every day more than 60 million users connect to or participate in YouTube community posts

"Livestreaming continues to be one" With the growing penetration of smartphones, data becomes affordable and the ever-increasing availability of content, 80% of internet users have grown 10X over the past three years, "adds Wojcicki. Google said Friday that

the monthly YouTube user base reached 225 million in India, reaching 80% of the Internet population.

The Copyright Matching Tool, which uses the power of Content ID to help creators find copies of content when it was downloaded by other channels.

With this tool, a new video is uploaded to YouTube to see if there is another video that looks a lot like the downloaded video or is the same and if there is a "match", it would appear on the "matches" tab.

"We have tested this tool with a thousand designers Over the past year, we have adapted it to your specific needs and is an excellent complement to the range of rights tools from author we supply, "said Wojcicki

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Updated: 23-July- 2018

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