What is the weakness of Captain Marvel?



The most powerful hero of the MCU must have an achilles heel somewhere, right?

Warning: Captain Marvel is right!

It is no secret that Carol Danvers is a power station. This is a Kree hybrid that, in the Marvel film universe, was directly empowered by a blast of an infinite stone, placing it undeniably in the ranks of the most heroic heroes. powerful MCU – but no character can be completely without weakness, even the most powerful of the most powerful Avengers on Earth. Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige has already badured fans that Carol would have some sort of Achilles heel, but not surprisingly, did not reveal the details of what might be this weak point. Although there is no Kryptonite-like substance that can easily defeat Captain Marvel, it nevertheless has significant drawbacks in comics.

Carol vs. Carol tends to struggle against limitations, especially when these limitations have to do with how much and how often she can use her abilities.

One of the most remarkable examples of this came in a story that Carol's brain was turning against her. . For a brief period of her solo comic book in the early 2010s, Carol learned that her body was reacting horribly to her spliced ​​Kree DNA, which was turning into a kind of cancer, a malignant mbad sunk deeper into her brain every time she was. She used it. flight powers. Faced with the inability to use one of her most basic powers, Carol was forced to seek out what made her a heroine.

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The MCU is perfectly placed to adapt this scenario to the big screen. Although his original story has been updated, far from the traditional genetic splicing of the Kree, the fact that his abilities are directly related to the Infinity Stones means that he faces Thanos and, by the end of account, correcting the universe after the breakup could have major consequences. After all, how does a person whose power comes from a breath of Tesseract react if the Tesseract is destroyed? What happens if Carol's abilities are against her body?

Meanwhile, in the 1990s, Carol also began to fight alcoholism after being stripped of her "binary" powers. It is much less likely that this particular story will make the leap to the MCU, since it follows many of the same beats as the Iron Man fight against his vices through his solo trilogy, but the possibility should probably not be ruled out.

Carol vs. Allies and Enemies

Carol's record of infighting against other heroes is not the best. In fact, she often finds herself in direct conflict with some of Marvel's biggest names. A striking example is his quarrel with Captain America.

Steve Rogers might not be able to confront Carol in a fist fight and win – he's only a human to whom the super serum gives power . , not an alien hybrid improved cosmically – but that does not mean that Steve Rogers has not found his way to keeping Carol out of the game when he absolutely needs it, even if it does not. is not fighting her physically. Steve removed Carol from the Avengers 'active roster several times, including in the late' 90s after missing a Kree mission.

Of course, it should be noted that Carol and Steve are generally allies and close friends. – But comedians of superheroes love their soap opera drama. So, when the two captains argue, it's usually pretty serious. In fact, Carol and Steve have found themselves on both sides in a major conflict several times in recent history – especially in the two incarnations of the Civil War.

The MCU has already crossed the bridge of the Civil War, of course, so the risk is somewhat limited – unless, of course, trying to adapt Civil War II. Whatever the case may be, the fact remains: when Carol finds herself in front of Steve, that does not usually end very well for her, usually because Steve has the resources and the tactical know-how to keep her in a position. corner.

Another important hero. The battle of Carol is not yet part of the MCU, but with the agreement reached between Fox and Disney, who knows what could happen? X-Men A-List Rogue was able to defeat Carol and completely empty him not once, but twice. (Um, somehow twice, in those cases, Carol Doppelganger was out of order, separating from Snape and … look, comics get extremely odd sometimes, okay?)

if the X-Men fail to jump to the MCU in the near future, Snape's tactic to defeat Carol is the takeaway here. If someone – hero or villain – finds a way to strip Carol's photon abilities, there's a good chance he's opened a window to victory. At least until Carol pulls herself together and pulls herself together.

Carol vs. The MCU

So, what does all this mean for a Captain Marvel sequel? Well, if Carol's story tells us anything, it's that it takes real planning to hit her where it hurts. Often, it is not a matter of giving her superior firepower or trying to confront her in a fight, but of destabilizing her at a fundamental level so that she can not not put all his skill in combat.

Naturally, this type of weakness is in the throes of cinematographic potential. We have already seen that Carol had some problems in resolving her identity and her memories, which could very easily come back to haunt her later. After all, it's never as simple as just remembering who you are – you also need to determine your position. That's one thing Carol's stories have been attacking for decades.

Another key weak point would be to put some kind of physical limitation on his powers. Maybe it will come back to Tesseract, or maybe it will be about her Kree / Human hybrid DNA – but traditionally, Carol does not manage boundaries very well, even if it is detrimental to her health and well-being. be. As if Thor were stripped of his hammer, robbing Carol of one or his powers would trigger a whole new journey of self-discovery.

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Meg Downey is a freelance journalist specializing in comics, comics, superhero films, and fan culture. You can find her on on Twitter @RustyPolished where she is probably falling apart about something embarrbading.

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