What's behind the superbugs infections? – AT THE SCHOOL


An international team of scientists will study the causes of life-threatening sepsis and drug-resistant infections in babies in many countries, including India, in an effort to combat infant mortality.

More than 80 researchers from 11 countries gathered in New Delhi to launch a study, under the Expanded Program of the Global Partnership for Research and Development in Antibiotics (GARDP), to develop new, improved antibiotic treatments for newborns.

Worldwide child health, including a 50% reduction in infant mortality since 1990, the number of preventable deaths among newborns remains unacceptable.

"Antibacterial resistance is one of the major obstacles to reducing neonatal mortality." Said Manica Balasegaram, director of GARDP.

The study, conducted in hospitals and neonatal units in many countries, including India, Bangladesh, Brazil, China and South Africa focus on collecting clinical information on babies with significant sepsis.

The study, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, will provide a solid factual basis on neonatal sepsis. managed that can be used as a basis for evaluating future interventions in newborns.

The results of interest will include mortality, the use of antibiotics and the duration of antimicrobial therapy – there is currently little data on these parameters. to infection, can be deadly and poses a particular threat to newborns as their immune system is not fully developed. Increasing rates of resistant bacteria to existing treatments are reported globally, with infants and hospitalized infants at high risk of developing drug-resistant nosocomial infections.

The vulnerability of newborns to sepsis is compounded by the diagnosis of serious bacterial infections. symptoms and signs may be nonspecific and difficult to detect.

The data generated by the study will inform GARPD's ambition to develop and provide novel antibiotic therapies for neonates with drug-resistant bacterial infections

. has resulted in a lack of data on the appropriate treatment of serious and drug-resistant infections in this vulnerable population. PTI

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