WhatsApp Launches Unidirectional Broadcast Feature for Group Administrators


  WhatsApp group administration function telegram

Facebook-owned mail service WhatsApp has debuted a new feature for groups to create unidirectional broadcast communication flows: With the new feature, the owners of a group can do the only ones able to send messages – essentially giving them a mbadive megaphone to shout at people.

"Today, we are launching a new group of settings where only administrators are able to send messages to a group," notes WhatsApp. blog article Friday. "People use groups to receive important announcements and information, including parents and teachers in schools, community centers, and non-profit organizations." WhatsApp decided to deploy this feature to help administrators of group to streamline their communications.

The messaging service has introduced a number of new features over the past few months, including group descriptions, a catch-up feature that is an outlet for people who are constantly added to the groups that they have already tried to leave. 19659003] To enable this new feature, you must open Group Info, press Group Settings, then Send Messages and select "Only Admins". The feature will be deployed to all WhatsApp users around the world.

What strikes, is the similarity of the tool with a feature of Telegram, the recently banned popular e-mail application in Russia. But this is not the first time that a platform owned by Facebook has been inspired by a competitive service. Instagram has copied Snapchat's features for years – and, ultimately, beat Snapchat to its own game. Almost a year ago, Instagram Stories surpbaded Snapchat in terms of daily users and d & # 039; # 39; active users.

So it's no wonder that WhatsApp is looking more and more like Telegram, especially with regards to this new feature. Although group administrators can still disseminate information to a set of users, this is the first time that they can make sure that there is no no tangential conversation and only one person controls the entire flow. Currently, WhatsApp has more than 1.5 billion active users. Comparatively, Telegram has recently reached 200 million active users … close, but no cigar.

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