Why Oprah Winfrey Defends Meghan Markle


Oprah Winfrey is essentially the mother of all celebrities. She is empathetic to everyone and no star has sat on her couch without being vulnerable and letting the former talk show host see him softer.

Over the years, Winfrey became close to Prince Harry. The two recently announced their partnership in creating a mental health documentary for Apple. The couple will work as partners, co-creators and executive producers.

"I truly believe that good mental health – mental fitness – is the key to strong leadership, productive communities, and . said Harry in a statement on the official Instagram page of his friend and Meghan Markle. "It's a huge responsibility to do it right, because we bring you the facts, the science and the awareness of a such an important subject in our time. "

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We are delighted to announce that The Duke of Susbad and Oprah Winfrey are partners, co-creators and executive producers for the upcoming launch of their series on mental health on Apple in 2020. The couple has been developing the series for several months and is looking forward to sharing such an important project on this global platform.The dynamic multi-part documentary series will focus on mental illness and mental well-being, encouraging viewers to have an honest conversation about the challenges each of us faces and how to equip ourselves with the tools we need to only survive, but also to prosper. This commitment builds on the longstanding work of the Duke of Susbad on mental health issues and initiatives, where he has sincerely shared his personal experience and advocated for those who suffer in silence, giving them ways to get the help and support they deserve. His Royal Highness has spent many years working with UK communities and Commonwealth youth to end the stigma surrounding mental illness and broaden the debate on mental well-being in order to Accelerate the changes towards a more compbadionate, connected and positive society. HRH quote: "I really believe that good mental health – a physical fitness – is the key to strong leadership, productive communities and a determined self. It's a huge responsibility to do it right, because we bring you the facts, the science, and the awareness of something so relevant in our day. Our hope is that this series will be positive, enlightening and inclusive – sharing global stories of unparalleled human spirit from the darkest places, and the opportunity for us to better understand ourselves and better understand those who surround us. I am incredibly proud to be working alongside Oprah on this essential series. "

A post shared by the Duke and Duchess of Susbad (@susbadroyal) on

" I am incredibly proud to be working alongside Oprah on this essential series, "he concluded.

While getting to know Harry, Winfrey also became close to his wife, Markle, and she does not understand how the new king was portrayed in the media.

What does Oprah say about Markle?

Oprah is the last star to defend Markle. Yesterday, she CBS This Morning defended the Duchess of Susbad.

"I think she is portrayed unfairly and I feel that if people really knew her, they would know that she is not just everything. we see her as being graceful and dynamic in her duties, but she just has a wonderful, warm, generous and loving heart, "said Winfrey. "I think it's very unfair."

Even host Gayle King came to Markle's rescue.

"She's very nice," King says about the duchess. "But she does not seem to buy [her bad press]."

What do other stars say about Markle?

George Clooney also defended the Duchess. In February, he compared his treatment to that of Princess Diana.

"I want to say that I just saw this piece … they are just chasing Meghan Markle everywhere," he said, according to Who . "She was prosecuted and defamed. This is a pregnant woman of seven months. She is pursued, defamed and prosecuted in the same manner as [Princess] Diana was and it is a repeating story … and we have seen how that ends. "

And in March, he returns to the defense of the former actress.

" I think it's a bit unfair, "he said on Good Morning Britain . "I saw it when the press can annoy you for a kind (19659023) of ridiculous reasons and for almost nothing and that seemed … to be a little unfair since she had done nothing but live life. "

Markle's friends also spoke to People in February to defend their friend.

" Meg sat quietly and endured the lies and lies, "said one of the ex-costarists of the Duchess, who wanted to remain anonymous.We are concerned about what it does for her and the baby.It is wrong to place a person under this trauma. emotional, especially when she is pregnant. "

For more: Royal Split: What do Meghan Markle and Prince Harry for the division of the royal household?

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