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<figcaption clbad= The study badyzed the effects of diet versus fasting on the expression of genes in adipose tissue (fat) in response to the exercise.The researchers now have an answer: a new study has shown that fasting exercise is better for long-term health.

The study badyzed the effects of Feeding versus fasting on the expression of genes in adipose tissue.After eating, adipose tissue "is busy responding to the meal and an exercise session at this time will not stimulate the same (beneficial) changes in adipose tissue, "says corresponding author of the Dylan Thompson study from the University of Bath in Britain

" This means that exercise at could lead to more favorable changes in adipose tissue, which could be beneficial for long-term "We propose that diet is likely to blunt the adipose tissue adaptation in the long term to regular exercise," the researchers noted in the report. study in the American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism

The study participants were a group of overweight males who walked for 60 minutes with a maximum oxygen consumption of 60% fasting and two hours after eating a high-carbohydrate, high-calorie breakfast.

The research team collected several blood samples after eating or fasting. Exercise

Representational image. Pixabay

The researchers also collected adipose tissue samples immediately before and one hour after walking

Expression of genes in adipose tissue differed significantly in both trials.

The expression of two genes, PDK4 and HSL men fasted and exercised and decreased when they ate before doing exercise

The increase in PDK4 probably indicates that stored fat was used to fuel the metabolism during exercise instead of the recent meal carbs.

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HSL generally increases when fat tissue uses stored energy to support increased activity, such as during the first year of life. Exercise,

These findings reinforce the idea that adipose tissue is often faced with challenges "Thompson wrote.

" This is the first study to show that the diet before the disease. Acute exercise affects the expression of post-exercise adipose tissue genes, "said the study. (Bollywood Country)

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