Windows will now use machine learning to determine the least exasperating moment for a forced update


Photo: Alex Cranz (Gizmodo)

Windows 10, the current version of Microsoft's operation has long tormented users with a difficult policy to bypbad forced updates. It will soon try to stand out by using machine learning to determine if a user actually uses a computer when it is updated.

In 2017, Microsoft introduced a repeat option in which it asked users if they really wanted Windows. to proceed with an update. This year, Microsoft announced that it has implemented a new logic designed to optimize the parts of the update process processed during the online and offline phases, which would have the effect of significantly speeding up updates. Now, according to The Verge, he has a "predictive model" that studies user habits to determine the best time to launch an update.

In a blog post, Dona Sarkar, head of Windows Insider and Brandon LeBlanc, program manager the new model takes into account cloud data and is intended to respond to user criticism of the forced update policy :

We heard you, and to relieve this pain, if you have a pending update use a new, more adaptive and proactive system. We have formed a predictive model capable of accurately predicting the right moment to restart the device. Which means that we will not only check if you are using your device before restarting it, but also try to predict if you just left the device to take a cup of coffee and come back soon after.

Sarkar and LeBlanc added that Microsoft had tested the process on internal hardware and saw "promising results during deployment." The update is currently available for participants in its Windows Insider Preliminary Testing Program.

It is questionable that, despite continual complaints from users who are interrupted during work or who return to their PCs to find that they stopped without saving their work, the updates forced are better overall – the alternative is that a significant percentage of users will deliver critical updates or just give up on them altogether. The counterpoint to this is that forced updates sometimes break the machines or have been forced despite the explicit exclusion of the user, or have appeared to be pretexts to force users to adopt software like its Edge browser preinstalled.

This seems to be an attempt to meet users half way though the complaints about forced updates will probably continue forever unless Microsoft completely abandons the policy. [19659023]

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