Workshop on sleep apnea in Kochi – KERALA


OSACON 2018, a two-day workshop on sleep apnea, began here Saturday

The event is jointly organized by the Indian Association of Apnea Surgeons of sleep, Kochi chapter of the Association of Otolaryngologists of India, and The noted cardiac surgeon José Chacko Periappuram inaugurated the program, according to a press release published here.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a condition badociated with snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness, lack of concentration, fatigue, and choking during sleep. Because of fatty deposits in the neck or other anatomical changes, the airways become narrow in OSA patients, she says.

Special Concern

The airways are almost completely obstructed, causing the breathing to stop for more than 10 seconds to almost a minute, according to specialists.

The phenomenon leads to a decrease in oxygen levels in the blood resulting in a condition called Hypoxia.

About 2% to 4% of the Indian population has OSA. It stands at nearly 9% in the Middle Ages. Unfortunately, 70% of the abnormality remains undiagnosed.

More than 150 delegates attend the workshop

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