World AIDS Day 2018: Everything You Need to Know About the Annual HIV Awareness Campaign


World AIDS Day marks its 30th anniversary on December 1st.

United Nations Member States have been observing this date every year since 1988, expressing their support for people living with HIV and the opportunity to remember the victims of AIDS.

The recent publication of the biopic Queen Bohemian Rhapsody coincided with the 27th anniversary of the death of the group's forgotten leader, Freddie Mercury, in 1991, a timely reminder of the devastating impact of the disease.

An Indian citizen of the NGO lights candles laid on the floor in the form of red ribbon at an awareness rally organized on the eve of World AIDS Day in Agartala the capital of the northeastern state of Tripura on November 30, 2017 ( AFP Arindam dey / / Getty)

The virus was only identified in 1984, when it triggered a great international fright and was wrongly badumed that it only concerned members of the LGBT community. +, but it has already killed 35 million people and infected 78 million people worldwide.

Progress has been made over the past 34 years and victims continue to face stigma and discrimination because of their ignorance of the nature of the disease.

In the UK, about 101,000 people are currently living with HIV in about 36.9 million people worldwide. Every year, 5,000 new cases are diagnosed in Britain.

The World Health Organization's (WHO) first journalists James W Bunn and Thomas Netter designed World AIDS Day in August 1987, under the auspices of the Joint United Nations Program on HIV. / AIDS (UNAIDS) since 1996.

The Pope, the President of the United States and other world leaders all take the opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to eradicating the disease, a goal that the United UN hopes to reach by 2030.

The White House proudly displays a 15-meter red ribbon from its northern portico since 2007, highlighting the oval office's commitment to fight AIDS as a result of George W. Bush's presentation of the President's Emergency Plan for the Fight Against AIDS. (PEPFAR), providing support to affected people around the world.

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1/18 World AIDS Day – United Kingdom [19659017] Prince Harry and Meghan Markle take part in a discussion with HIV consulting physician Laura Waters during their visit to the Terrence Higgins Trust on the occasion of World Aids Day

Getty Images

2/18 World AIDS Day – Brazil

The red balloons released on the occasion of World AIDS Day Aids in Sao Paulo


3/18 World Aids Day – France

A nurse takes blood for an HIV test for French President Emmanuel Macron visit to the US. Delafontaine Hospital


4/18 World Aids Day – India

A student displays his face and hand-painted message in Chandigarh, India


5 / 18 World AIDS Day – United Kingdom [19659019] Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visit Nottingham Contemporary to attend a charity event organized by Terrence Higgins Trust on World AIDS Day at their first official ceremony together.


6/18 World AIDS Day – South Africa

Members of the 21st South African Infantry Battalion march to Soweto on the occasion of World AIDS Day AIDS

. AP

7/18 World Aids Day – India

A child paints his face to make himself better known. on HIV / AIDS on the occasion of World AIDS Day in Jammu

Presentation of Rex

8/18 World AIDS Day – Kenya

Free HIV testing booths are installed on the occasion of World AIDS Day at the University of Nairobi [19659018] AFP / Getty Images

9/18 World AIDS Day – China

Students use candles for a large ribbon in a primary school in China


10/18 World Aids Day – India

Commuters pbad by a message on World AIDS Day near Howrah Bridge on the bank of the Ganges , in Calcutta


11/18 World Aids Day – India

A volunteer lights candles laid on the ground in the form of red ribbon at an awareness rally organized at the day before World AIDS Day in Agartala [19659017] AFP / Getty Images

12/18 World AIDS Day – China

Yangzhou University Medical College students holding the form of a red ribbon

VCG via Getty Images

13/18 World Aids Day – China

Students hold red ribbons in a Hefei High School, Anhui Province, China


14 / 18 World AIDS Day – Mexico

The monument "Diana La Cazadora" is illuminated in red on the eve of World AIDS Day in Mexico City

AFP / Getty Images

15 / 18 World Aids Day – India

Art of sand on Puri beach, on the east coast of the Bengal Sea. Sudarshan Patnaik, sand artist, created this piece on the eve of World AIDS Day.

Rex Features

16/18 World Aids Day – India

People are holding candles around a ribbon at a ceremony to raise awareness of HIV / AIDS in Ahmedabad, India


17/18 World AIDS Day – Ukraine

A woman underwent a blood test for HIV / AIDS in a mobile laboratory in Ukraine


18/18 World Aids Day – China

The two towers of Shaghai's Global Harbor are illuminated by huge red ribbons

The Characteristics of Rex

1 / 18 World Aids Day – United Kingdom

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Engage in Discussion with HIV Medical Consultant Laura Waters on Terrence Higgins Trust Charity Fair for World AIDS Day AIDS

Getty Images

2/18 World Aids Day Brazil

Launch of red balloons on the occasion of World Aids Day in Sao Paulo


3 / 18 World Aids Day – France

A nurse takes blood for an HIV test for French President Emmanuel Macron as he goes to Delafontaine Hospital

Reuters [19659071] 4/18 Day World AIDS Day India

A student exhibits his face and messages in Chandigarh, India


5/18 World Aids Day – United Kingdom

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arrive at the Nottingham Contemporary to attend a first official event together at a charity fair organized by World AIDS Day Terrence Higgins Trust.


6/18 World AIDS Day – South Africa

Members of the 21st South African Infantry Battalion march to mark World AIDS Day in Soweto


7/18 World Aids Day – India

A child paints to raise public awareness of HIV / AIDS on World AIDS Day in Jammu

. Records

8/18 World AIDS Day – Kenya

Free HIV testing booths are installed Allies on World AIDS Day at the University of Nairobi

AFP / Getty Images

9/18 World Aids Day – China

Students use candles to form a large ribbon at a primary school in China [19659018] REUTERS

10/18 World Day of AIDS – India

Commuters Pbad A Message on World AIDS Day Near Howrah Bridge, Ganges Bank, Calcutta


11/18 World Aids Day – India

A volunteer lights candles resting on the floor in the form of a red ribbon during an awareness event on the eve of World AIDS Day in Agartala

AFP / Getty Images [19659073] 12/18 World AIDS Day – China

Study from the Yangzhou University Medical College in the form of a red ribbon

VCG via Getty Images

13/18 World Aids Day – China

Students hold red ribbons in a high school in Hefei, Anhui province, China


14/18 World Aids Day – Mexico

The monument "Diana La Cazadora" is illuminated in red on the eve of World AIDS Day in Mexico City

AFP / Getty Images

15/18 World AIDS Day – India [19659017] Art of sand on the beach of the east coast of the sea from Bengal to Puri. Sudarshan Patnaik, sand artist, created this piece on the eve of World AIDS Day.

Rex Features

16/18 World Aids Day – India

People are holding candles around a ribbon at a ceremony to raise awareness of HIV / AIDS in Ahmedabad, India


17/18 World AIDS Day – Ukraine

A woman underwent a blood test for HIV / AIDS in a mobile laboratory in Ukraine


18/18 World Aids Day – China

The two towers of the Global Harbor Mall in Shaghai are illuminated by huge red ribbons

The Characteristics of Rex

The President Emmanuel participated in events that took place all over the world last year Macron (France) undergoes an HIV test at Delafontaine Hospital in Saint-Denis, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle surrendered at Terrence Higgins Trust in Nottingham while Mariah Carey was conducting a concert in Los Angeles. Famous landmarks illuminated by red lights in Mexico City, Shanghai

Every year, UNAIDS, WHO and a group of grbadroots NGOs agree on the theme of the day to draw attention to attention to different aspects of the situation. [19659126] Support free-thinking journalism and subscribe to Independent Minds

In 2018, this theme was entitled "Know Your Status". It encourages people to undergo medical tests to determine whether or not they are infected with the virus, and to ensure that anyone with a positive diagnosis is put in contact with quality services.

Those wishing to demonstrate their support for the United Kingdom's World AIDS Day cause can donate to the National Aids Trust online or by purchasing a lapel ribbon online or at MAC Cosmetics stores and at select Morrisons and HSBC locations.

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