World Lung Cancer Day 2018: 3 Things You Need to Know


August 1 is celebrated as World Lung Cancer Day

We see a dramatic increase in the number of cancer cases each year. While it is true that the true cause of cancer is not known, erratic eating habits and a bad lifestyle, batons with vices such as smoking is often blamed for different types of cancers. . Among all types of cancers, the World Health Organization (WHO) claims that lung cancers are the deadliest. Today, on the occasion of World Lung Cancer Day, we give you 3 facts about cancer that you need to know.

Air pollution is one of the leading causes of lung cancer
. According to a study conducted by the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (HRMS), in Delhi, with the Lung Care Foundation, air pollution is a factor that causes lung cancer in nonsmokers. "Pollution is a major contributor to the rise of lung cancer, and industrial and vehicular emissions and stubble burning are major causes of lung cancer, with young people and women suffering from lung cancer primarily in the lungs. cause of pollution, "said Neeraj Jain, thoracic physician, Ram Ganga Hospital.

Non-smokers may also develop lung cancer
. However, it has been found that lung cancer is no longer just a disease affecting smokers. According to research, 15% of patients diagnosed with lung cancer have no history of smoking. According to the study conducted by Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (HRMS), in Delhi, with the Lung Care Foundation 50 percent of cancer patients are non-smokers. Of the 150 patients who were successfully treated from March 2012 to June 2018, 74 were non-smokers, while 76 were smokers

Genes and Lung Cancer
Although the causes of cancers are unknown, Genetics plays an important role. role in his appearance. Various studies say that genes could play the bad guy in the case of those who can be non-smokers. According to a study published in the journal Nature Genetics it was found that 3 genetic chromosomes are badociated with an increased risk of lung cancer in women (who have never smoked). Another study, published in the journal Cancer found a strong link between a gene (NFKB1) and lung cancer.

(with contributions from IANS)

Source of the image: Shutterstock

Published: Aug 1, 2018 11:42 am | Last Updated: 1 August 2018 12:05 pm

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