World Vegan Day: Tofu is much more than a fast source of protein, here are its 5 health benefits | aptitude


Although meat is an excellent source of protein, it is simply not an option if you are on a vegan diet that does not contain animal products. The next time you are looking for a source of vegan protein that is easy to prepare, but you can not stand the idea of ​​dal, consider tofu. It is silky, tender and easy to cook, and contains the healthy protein, fiber and carbohydrates you need to feel satisfied and energized.

Anupam Dey, a Kolkata-based dietitian, says that tofu, made from soy curd and considered an alternative to paneer, is a versatile ingredient with many health benefits. "Tofu is naturally gluten-free and low in calories. It does not contain cholesterol and is an excellent source of amino acids, iron, calcium and other trace elements, "he said.

"Genetics and environmental factors play a determining role in the way our body reacts to certain foods. But if you're a vegetarian or vegan, soy-based foods like tofu can be an invaluable part of your diet, "says Dey. Given its neutral taste and consistency range, tofu has an amazing ability to work with almost all types of flavors and foods. A basic ingredient in Thai, Japanese and Chinese cuisine, it can be cooked in a variety of ways.

"Extra-firm tofu is best for baking and grilling, while soft tofu is good for desserts and salad dressings. Of course, it's up to you to experiment, "says Dey.

Much research has shown the many benefits tofu can offer. this product is thought to have many of the same benefits as soy. On the occasion of World Vegan Day, celebrated each year by the world's vegans on November 1st, take a look at what makes tofu an excellent food from a nutritional and nutritional standpoint. of health:

1. Tofu is a good source of protein and contains the nine essential amino acids, according to a report published in Self Nutrition Data. It is also an excellent source of iron and calcium, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, copper, zinc and vitamin B1.

2. According to a study by the American Heart Association, soy protein (which is derived from tofu) does not have as much effect on cholesterol as previously thought. The benefit to the heart is not due to a direct relationship with cholesterol reduction, but rather to the fact that soy products are generally used to replace unhealthy choices, but also because They are low in fat but high in fiber, vitamins and minerals.

3 Tofu contains phytoestrogens called isoflavones – a group of chemicals found in foods of plant origin. They have a similar structure to the female hormone, estrogen, and thus mimic the action of estrogen produced by the body. They naturally bind to estrogen receptor sites in human cells, including bad cells, which could potentially reduce the risk of bad cancer, according to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, based at United States.

4. Because of the phytoestrogen content of soy, many women decide to include soy-rich foods, such as tofu, in their menopause diet, a study found in the Journal of Nutrition of the American Society for Nutrition. "During menopause, the body's natural production of estrogen ceases and symptoms may appear. Since phytoestrogens act like a weak estrogen, they can help relieve symptoms by slightly raising levels, reducing hot flashes in some women, "says Dey.

5. People with type 2 diabetes often suffer from kidney disease, which results in excessive secretion of protein in the urine. A Web MD report indicated that those who consumed only soy protein in their diet excreted less protein than those who consumed only animal protein.

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