You can avoid certain types of cancer by stopping smoking today – Magazines


The exact reason people develop cancer has yet to be known. But we know some of the things that cause or influence the risk of developing cancer. We call them risk factors.

You can reduce your risk of contracting cancer by making positive lifestyle choices. For example, refraining from smoking, eating well and staying physically active are some of the ways you can do it.

It is not news for everyone that smoking is the leading risk factor for lung cancer. Smoking is home to a number of cancers, with the exception of lung cancer. When we think of smoking-related cancers, we often think of lung cancer.

I understand that cancer is difficult! Sometimes you can not avoid it by just maintaining one or two healthy lifestyle habits, but at least that helps a lot! There are several cancers that have been linked quite conclusively to smoking for many of them, smoking is the main risk factor for the disease.

Today, let's take a look at the types of cancers that we can push back by simply giving up.

Lung Cancer: Although lung cancer is one of the most deadly cancers, it is also one of the most preventable.

Since smoking is the cause of more than 90 per cent smoking or quitting can significantly reduce the risk of contracting this disease.

The risk of lung cancer of a smoker is 15 to 25 times greater than that of a non-smoker and the risk increases with the number of cigarettes smoked each day. number of years of smoking. Stopping smoking at any age will greatly reduce the risk.

Esophageal cancer: This is another type of cancer that you can avoid by never smoking. This type of cancer occurs in the esophagus, a long, hollow tube that runs from the throat to the stomach.

Your esophagus helps digest the food you swallow on the back of your throat. Esophageal cancer is one of the cancers that in some cases is triggered by a number of chemicals found in the cigarette. The good news is that esophageal cancer rarely affects Tanzanians, but people are at a higher risk of getting the disease. at some point in their lives because of smoking habits.

Leukemia: Yes. it's in the list too! It is a cancer of the blood that develops in the bone marrow. Although the statistics are not yet updated, the rate of this disease in Tanzania is alarming. Hundreds of Tanzanians are victims of this disease and, apart from other risk factors, smoking and alcohol are one of the main causes.

I understand that smoking is very difficult to stop in the majority. But rather than die of smoking-related cancers, it is best to try to stop it. You can not win on your own, but doctors, psychologists and spiritual leaders will be of great help to you!

Tip: One of the most important things to keep in mind when you are trying to give up the cancer sticks is that you really should not go on a diet. Depriving yourself of your favorite foods could make you lose concentration. Instead, eat what you want, but keep in mind that some foods and drinks are more likely to send you a cigarette, such as glucose. So, try to stay away from foods that contain a lot of sugar.

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