Young pregnant women at high risk for prenatal depression: a study


Due to increased social media pressure and the pace of modern life, young pregnant women are more than 50 percent more likely to develop prenatal depression than their mothers, according to a study.

"Research shows that depression among young women today may be driven by feelings of overflow and stress rather than by the feeling of being depressed," said Rebecca Pearson, from Bristol University, to Daily Mail.

"Since depression during pregnancy has a significant impact on the mother and the child, it is of paramount importance for health services," she added.

Chronic stress, sleep deprivation, eating habits, sedentary lifestyle can also contribute to a growing prevalence of depression among young people in general and the impact of these changes can be amplified during pregnancy.

The current generation of young women has also experienced a rapid change in technology, the Internet and the use of social media, which has been badociated with an increased sense of depression and social isolation and changes in social relations

. The JAMA Network Open review, the team badyzed the data of 2,390 pregnant women aged between 19 and 24 from 1990 to 1992, and their daughters who were pregnant between 2012 and 2016.

The badysis showed that 17% of women In addition, the study also showed that if mothers were suffering from depression during pregnancy, then their daughter might have three times more chances of developing depression, reported the study. ; Independent. .

"If we think what has changed, the female labor force has increased over the last 25 years and there are two relevant elements for mental health, aspiration, and longevity. ambition of young women Pearson says

"The other is the practical aspect of having to go to work, the physical and mental exhaustion of having to work during pregnancy", was

(With IANS Inputs)

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