Your horoscope for the week of January 28 – January Horoscopes


The week begins with a bady Scorpio moon, which can distract us from anything other than our pleasure. Try! The competitive spirit of the Super Bowl could come early in the March / Pluto square on Friday. The spirits could warm up. So continue with caution while maintaining your limits. Then Venus changes sign on Sunday and enters a sensual and hard-working Capricorn.

~ * ~ ARIES ~ * ~



You are a ram on heat Monday, so follow your instinct for the greatest pleasure. Stay discreet at work on Fridays, as you might accidentally find yourself in conflict – keep your cool. Then, on Sunday, Venus will embellish your career. Women come to your support and you will feel cherished at work in a wonderful way.

~ * ~ TAURUS ~ * ~



Date night on Monday? Why not? Relationships determine the quality of life. On Friday, you are overwhelmed by the desire to travel: think about what needs to change, and Venus Sunday will help you find the right strategies to get there. Get your hands dirty and engage in good practices for your life.

~ * ~ GEMINI ~ * ~

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~ ~ * ~ * ~ CANCER

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Do you envision workplace partnership differently – do you feel supported? Do you support others? Make it happen. Venus enters your most romantic area on Sunday and helps you invite, deepen or make the transition from the love you desire.

~ * ~ LEO ~ * ~

  the Leo horoscope


One night will not hurt you, Leo – spend part of the week alone giving yourself a chance to rejuvenate and practice personal care. Friday will take you out of your own way. Shake the stories in your head with a critical conscience, or break the rut. Venus beautifies your area of ​​health and well-being on Sunday, so follow your heart to find resources that will give you inner peace.

~ * ~ VIRGO ~ * ~

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~ LIBRA ~ * ~ * ~ [19659025] image "title =" picture "clbad =" lazyimage lazyload "data-src =" .jpg "crop = 1xw: 1xh; center, top & resize = 480: * "/>


Reintroduce it at the beginning of this week, Libra, and discuss your experiences with a slow, steady style. Friday will help you to ask for your desires in relationships. You are allowed to own and ask for them without excuses! Sunday at Marie Kondo-ing your living space. If that does not bring joy, you know what to do! Give him gratitude and release him.

~ * ~ SCORPIO ~ * ~

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			<span clbad=.[19659005hoAucunlundidebluespourvousScorpion!LalunebrillepourvouscettesemaineJoieetjoiedansvosémotions:vendredivousaideàréfléchiràlamanièredontlaroutineetlapleineconsciencepeuventvousrendrelameilleureversiondevous-mêmeDimancheVénusilluminevotresecteurdelacommunicationvousaidantàtrouverlebonlangagepouridentifiervossentiments

~ SAGITTARIUS ~ * ~ * ~ [19659032] image "title =" picture "clbad =" lazyimage lazyload "data-src =" 1xH, center, top & resize = 480: * "/>


~ * ~ CAPRICORN ~ * ~

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~ * ~ AQUARIUS ~ * ~

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Happy Birthday, Water Bearer! You are beautiful at work this week and impress your colleagues with your pbadion. Friday encourages you to approach communication in a more non-verbal way – pay attention to body language, clues and subtext On Sunday, a curative transit of Venus gives you closure or forgiveness with romantic partners.

~ * ~ PISCES ~ * ~

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