Indo-American teen Kavya Kopparapu rewarded for his invention to improve the treatment of brain cancer


Kavya Kopparapu, an American-Indian teenager, is the founder and CEO of the Girls Computing League.


An American-Indian teenager has received the 2019 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) National Education Award for her innovative invention designed to improve treatments for glioblastoma, the most deadly form of brain cancer.

The US $ 10,000 prize awarded by STEM Education US recognizes Kavya Kopparapu, 19, of Herndon, Virginia, as an "extraordinarily talented and accomplished individual" who has truly promoted STEM education, reported Saturday. The American Bazaar.

A freshman at Harvard University, a student in computer science and biology, the budding scientist invented GlioVision, a precision medicine platform optimized by Artificial Intelligence (AI) that predicts the characteristics of the brain tumor. in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional methods using a scanned image of a biopsy rather than a sample of DNA.

This is a major step in the targeted treatment of cancer patients, which uses a computer-based deep learning system to determine the molecular and genetic signature of a brain tumor with 100% accuracy.

Ms. Kavya has been recognized for her commendable efforts in fighting a rare but deadly disease, and for encouraging others to develop their expertise in STEM-related areas.

Also a social entrepreneur, Ms. Kavya is the founder and executive director of the Girls Computing League, a non-profit organization that has raised more than $ 100,000 for computer programming that reaches more than 3,800 US students.

An experienced speaker, she has lectured at the Smithsonian Institution at the NASA Kennedy Space Center, and has participated in several AI conferences.


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