10th anniversary of FDUI, IDI Held Free Healthcare Service


MEDAN, SumutNews | As part of the 10th anniversary of the Indonesian General Medical Association (PDUI), the Indonesian Doctors Association of Labuhanbatu Selatan (Labusel) organized a social service in the form of free health services

" Our free service is a priority for the community This activity is in collaboration with Pinang Nur Aini Hospital, PMI Labusel, IDI Labusel, "said Dr. Dedi, chairman of the PDUI of the North Sumatra Branch. 15/7/2018)

He explains, this activity is done to show the existence of general practitioners throughout Indonesia. The national baksos activities will be concentrated in Palu in August 2018.

"There will be a book launch in Jakarta as well as health activities, which will be attended by over 150 people," he said.

can work with the government to achieve a healthy living community, building health values ​​to create a healthy society, so that people live intelligently.

"Health is an important factor in life, I hope that this activity is beneficial to society and that it has positive values," he concluded.

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